Learning theories essay
This is important, because it highlights how many administrators can face challenges as economic theories are providing a general view, about how to… Bibliography "Partial Equilibrium Analysis. Another way of combining these two approaches is by having the students involved in the process of what is learned and how, learning theories essay. This is important as it puts a lot of focus on the power of the environment and learning theories essay the environment can shape a person's behaviors through the stimuli acquired. However, according to Ronald L. Benson, N. Delivering a high-quality product at a reasonable price is not enough anymore.
Behavioral Theories of Learning
Learning entails the process of acquiring knowledge, learning theories essay and ideas thus gaining a new perspective of the world. The learning process is influenced by factors which emanate from internal and external sources. Some of these include environmental, learning theories essay, cognitive and emotional influences. Learning theories are aimed at giving an explanation of what take place in the learning process. The theories attempt to explain the processes involved in acquisition of knowledge.
It is through learning theories that one acquires knowledge to interpret the various examples of learning processes. As a result, one is able to solve practical problems and issues arising from the learning processes. There are several learning theories which explain the learning process. These include behavioral theories, cognitive theories, holistic theories and humanistic theories of learning among others. This study seeks to compare behavioral and cognitive theories of leaning. According to Huitt and Hummelp. These theories assert that for every response which is overt, there is a stimulus which causes it.
Pavlov used a learning theories essay to conduct a study on classical conditioning. Findings of the study revealed that every response is elicited by a stimulus, learning theories essay. In order to gain a better understanding on classical conditioning, learning theories essay, both unconditioned and neutral stimulus were used. Repeatedly, the neutral stimulus changes to a conditioned stimulus which in turn elicits a conditioned response. With time, this conditioned response becomes a habitual association achieved through pairing of neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus which to leads to a person or animal giving a similar response to both stimulus. This is due to the fact that the dog associated ringing of the bell with food.
This behavioral learning theory was advanced by B. It postulates that learning is the change of function in observable behavior as a result the responses to the stimulus within the environment. Skinner stresses on the need of reinforcement which strengthens the desired response. This is another theory of behavioral learning by E. Thorndike in which learning just like in operant conditioning relies on the need for reinforcement. Three basic laws are considered. These include the law of effect, law of readiness and the law of exercise. Law of readiness relates to when to events occurs in a sequence. On the other hand, law of exercise entails where connections are strengthened through practice and become unstable upon ceasing from practice.
Students tend to establish an emotional attachment to the teacher, for example, when a teacher is pleasant, learners will relate well with him or her and consequently associate the pleasantness to the subject he or she teaches. Learning theories essay kind of association is as a result of classical conditioning. Considering the fact that the theory stresses on the need for reinforcement, teachers can implement this by pairing good performance with secondary reinforcements like verbal praises as well as awards in order to encourage good performance and behavior. This theory also calls for use of questions as stimulus and answer as response. The practice of the law of effect learning theories essay exercise are essential for an effective learning process. Learning should be sequential in the sense that the items to be learned should be presented according to their level of difficulty.
Of equal importance is the fact that learning is influenced by previous situations. This is to say that previous performance of a learner determines future performance. Therefore, a teacher should make use of this to improve learning outcomes, learning theories essay. In behavioral theories of learning, we have seen that for learning to take learning theories essay effectively, the learner should be actively involved in the learning process. This is not the case in social theories of leaning which state that behavior learning occurs out of observation then imitation. This acknowledges the leaner as being passive to learning process since the learner only waits to imitate a desired behavior. In addition, learning according to behavioral theories presumes that a learning theories essay should repeatedly engage in the desired activity until it becomes habitual to them thus learning.
On the contrary, the social theory of learning presumes that the ability learning theories essay fully learn and acquire behavior depends on the ability of the learner to retain what is learning theories essay in the mind, imitate the learning theories essay and then adopt it. For this reason, learning becomes limited since if the learner is unable to remember what they observed or when the learner is not motivated towards adopting a given behavior then learning will not take place. This is different from behavioral theories of learning where the learner goes through a series of learning experiences which result into acquisition of knowledge or skills, learning theories essay.
Of equal importance is the necessity of the stimuli and appropriate responses in the learning process according to behavioral theories of learning. A behavior is learned as a result of being induced by a given stimulus from the environment. The stimuli vary depending with the context and environment for learning. In the case of social theories of learning, the stimulus-response relationship is not explicitly described. Rather, learning only occurs in the event of an observed behavior which is worth imitating. There is also a difference in the way reinforcements are used in both behavioral and social theories of learning. According to the behavioral theory of learning reinforcements are used in the event of good performance such as when a behavior is successfully and appropriately learned, the learner is rewarded, learning theories essay.
Social theory on the other hand presumes that any slight imitation should be reinforced so as to encourage more attempts that will eventually lead to behavior acquisition. In an attempt to make the learning process more easier, teaching strategies based on cognitive theories of learning have emerged to help teachers in the process of learning in areas such as vocabulary development, comprehension, concentration and writing skills. Cognitive teaching strategies help learners in many ways. First, when applied appropriately by the teacher these strategies help the learners to have a positive intellectual development.
In teaching languages, cognitive teaching strategies help in the development of vocabulary. Learners are able to interchangeably use words ranging from synonyms, learning theories essay, antonyms, homophones as well as allophones. In addition, learning theories essay learner develops proficiency in a language because of appropriate use of vocabulary in sentence constructions and other related areas, learning theories essay. In the acquisition of writing skills, when used appropriately by the teacher, cognitive learning strategies play a crucial role towards developing writing skills in learners.
Especially the vocabulary writing strategy in which writers are expected to write detailed descriptions of a given topic. In regular use, learners gradually develop the art of writing. Concentration game as a cognitive teaching strategy is effective in developing intellectual development in learners especially those in lower levels of learning, learning theories essay. This is due to the fact that the strategy requires learners to participate in finding out vocabulary items and identifying those that are similar. Learning learning theories essay are important and inevitable learning theories essay in the process of teaching and learning, learning theories essay.
Teachers need to be well versed with these theories in order to be able to have insights on the process of learning as well as to be able to work out issues learning theories essay to the process of learning. Learners learning theories essay well catered for when the teacher in charge learning theories essay them understands the process of learning and the various strategies required in the various developments of skills and knowledge as the cognitive, learning theories essay, behavioral and social development. Donahoe, W. The selectionist connection. Journal of the experimental analysis learning theories essay behavior. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.
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Social institutions are assumed to serve as mechanisms of social control, also influencing individual behaviors via a series of real or perceived constraints. Like strain theories, control theories assume that social cohesion is…. Thus instrumental condition would rely on the notion that a person generates a response rather than an environmental stimulus. I have found that both people and stimulus may elicit certain behaviors both in and outside of the classroom. Instrumental conditioning is modeled after animal experiments which showed that the individual's environment can reinforce response controls, thus the best responses occur when reinforcement of a particular behavior is given.
This I have learned to be the case in the classroom most assuredly, where students are more likely to exhibit positive behaviors more frequently when they are reinforced immediately for demonstrating positive behaviors. Generally the patterns that emerge from such conditioning are self-directed, meaning that I have found that most students engage in behaviors and continue to engage in behaviors which they find result in a positive response regardless of the environment they are placed in. With regard to controlling adverse behavior,…. References Chang, Min-Yu S. html Klein, S. McGraw Hill. Dominant Learning Theories Excellence in the field of pedagogy depends on an understanding of the major learning theories and models along with an ability to use them when appropriate.
Even if one doesn't agree with these major learning theories, it's still important to be aware of them as a professional. A strong comprehension of the major learning theories can also help to guide one's actions and choices as an educator, scholar or general pedagogue. Behaviorism, for example, is a major learning theory which asserts that the bulk of learning that occurs in human beings is done through conditioning. This is important as it puts a lot of focus on the power of the environment and how the environment can shape a person's behaviors through the stimuli acquired. Behaviorism is a school of learning which pays very little attention to mental states, finding things like moods and emotions to be too….
References Cherry, K. What Is Behaviorism? Retrieved from about. htm Euromedinfo. Behavioral, cognitive, humanist approaches. Retrieved from euromedinfo. Cognitive Theory. learning theories, and apply them to the adult learning environment. Specifically behavioral, constructivist, and cognitive learning theories are examined. The focus of the behavioral learning model is changes in behavior facilitated by stimuli provided by the learner's environment; not stimuli produced by the learner. einforcement of stimuli in the environment are thought to effect change and therefore become critical to the learning process in this learning theory model.
The learner's responses to stimuli can be strengthened depending on how one is conditioned to respond; meaning, in the behavioral model, positive reinforcement can serve to enforce positive learning. Also important to the behavioral model is repetition and generalization of important learning concepts Hartley, These serve to…. References: Bruner, J. Toward a theory of instruction. Harvard University Press. Bruner, J. The culture of education. Hartley, J. Learning and studying. A research perspective. London: Routledge. Huang, Hisu-Mei. Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol 33, No. Integrating Learing Theories Integrating Learning Theories In adult education, there are number of theories utilized to influence the tools educators are using to connect with students.
To fully understand them requires looking at the different ones. Together, these elements will highlight the best techniques for reaching out to adult learners. Simulate the ideal teaching philosophy The ideal teaching philosophy is one that connects to individuals using their unique learning styles and has a way of reinforcing them. This involves having a combination of active classroom discussion, group work and hands on training. During this process, they will utilize technology to enhance their understanding of key concepts and focus on meeting important objectives in the course.
When this happens, the…. References Davis, D. The Adult Learner's Companion. Boston, MA: Wadsworth. Jacobs, F. The Adult Learner's Guide. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Robert, P. Adult Education. New York, NY: Routledge. Ross, J. Research on Adult Learners. Peer Review, 31 1 , Adult Learning Theory: Applications to Non-Traditional College Students" presents a number of important factors that are intrinsic to the propagation of adult education. The authors take a decidedly comprehensive approach to characterizing key distinctions between adult learners and those who are non-adults. As such, the pair make a number of astute observations that directly affect the way that the curriculum and program content should be facilitated for these learners, in order to maximize the didactic process.
A thorough review of this article reveals that by choosing to emphasize various aspects of the adult learning experience, the curriculum can be significantly tailored in order to curb the rate of attrition and help adult learners thrive. The first several pages of this article are concerned with identifying and discussing the ramifications of attributes that are intrinsic to adult learners. Oftentimes, these learners are distinct from others in the fact that the former…. References Kenner, C. An article in the Journal of Sex Research brings attention to operant conditioning by juxtaposing - comparing and contrasting - it with the social learning theory that Julian P. Rotter developed. Social learning in fact embraces aspects of operant conditioning which is also known as "radical behaviorism" , and Rotter assumed that "behavior is goal directed and emphasized expectations of reward and perceived values of rewards.
For example, the reward that a deviant…. Using Social Learning Theory to Explain Individual Differences in Human Sexuality. The Journal of Sex Research 35 1 , The Operant-Respondent Distinction Revisited: Toward an Understanding of Stimulus Equivalence. Psychological Record, 48 2 ,. Social Learning Theory and Parenting Skills The most applicable and relevant philosophy in parenting particularly of the preschool years children is the social learning theory that was proposed and developed by Albert Bandura. The social learning theory is widely seen as the bridge between the cognitive learning and behaviorism, and it is this combination of two theories or approaches to learning that makes it most applicable for my parenting approach. This approach concentrates on attention, motivation as well as memory.
This theory indicates that people learn through seeing the behaviors of others, their attitudes and the result of their behaviors. In this sphere, learning is continuous and involves the reciprocation of the behavior of the individual, the environmental influences, the cognitive influences that models the individual Albert Bendura, Pp3. In a nut shell, the individual is aware of the relationship between his behavior and the consequences, and he learns these…. References Albert Bendura, Social Learning Theory. Stanford University. pdf Johansson T. al Preschool teachers view on learning in preschool in Sweden and Denmark. European Early Childhood Education Research.
pdf Serve Preschool: Thinking and learning. Learning Due primarily to the growing trend of globalization, education has now become paramount to the overall success of society. International competition for both jobs and prominent positions poses both threats and benefits. For one, international competition encourages innovations which ultimately increases the overall quality of life for society. Innovations such as the internet have given rise to many unique and attractive markets. However, in order to take full advantage of the opportunities globalization and business presents, society must properly educate itself. Through education, civilization can fill the needed jobs required to utilize growing fields of innovation.
The underlying principles within education have now been altered. New techniques are required to retain more information. Alternatively methods must be simple enough that students can utilize it in an effective manner within their respective careers. Many theories have been developed in regards to learning theories. These theories primarily consist of behavior, cognitive,…. Learning Reinforcement For learning to effectively take place, a number of concepts must be brought together and these include but are not in any way limited to environmental, emotional as well as cognitive influences. One of the most prominent learning theories is the social learning theory whose fronting was most prominently done by Albert andura amongst others. The Social Learning Theory The social learning theory is founded on the view that most learning is undertaken within the social context.
However, according to Ronald L. Akers, the social learning theory must not only be taken to be a theory of peer influence. With that in mind, the key concepts in this case include; modeling, imitation as well as observational learning. The social learning theory has four basic principles with the first principle stating that most of the learning is informed by an observation of behavior. Here, the reasoning is that the…. Bibliography Akers, Ronald. Social Learning and Social Structures: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance. Transaction Publishers, Griffin, Ricky Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. Cengage Learning, Sarafino, Edward. Self-Management: Using Behavioral and Cognitive Principles to Manage Your Life.
John Wiley and Sons, Ronald Akers, Social Learning and Social Structures: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance Transaction Publishers, , atching videos. Color coding words and researching notes. Outlining reading. Using flashcards. Using highlighters, circle words and underlining Fleming, If one focuses more on illustrative or graphical knowledge than on the expressions of what is being taught, they put themselves at a distinctive weakness since verbal and written knowledge is still the chief favored option for delivery of knowledge. One should apply their note taking and try to find occasions to make clear information to others by way of using words. A visual learner learns best when knowledge is given to them visually and in a printed language arrangement. In a classroom location, they profit from teachers who employ the blackboard or overhead projector in order to register the vital parts of a lecture, or who supply them with an outline in order to follow along with throughout the lecture.
They profit from knowledge attained from textbooks and class…. Works Cited "DVC Online," , viewed 23 October, Fleming, Grace. Learning and Cognition Definition of Learning Merriam-Webster defines learning as "knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study; modification of a behavioral tendency by experience as exposure to conditioning " Merriam-Webster, Other experts defines learning as a process, one that leads to behavioral change or potential behavior change that is relatively permanent. That is, as people learn, his or her learning alters the way one perceives the environment, the way he or she interprets incoming stimuli, and therefore, the way one interacts or behaves Introduction to Learning Theory, According to Cherry , learning is a permanent change in behavior that is the result of experience.
The common characteristic that all these definitions share is their identification of a behavioral component as part of the process of learning. In other words, for learning to occur, a change in behavior takes place. The ole of Behavior For the early part of…. References Bietz, K. The relationship between learning and cognition. Bright Hub. aspx Cherry, K. Learning Study Guide. com Psychology. htm Introduction to Learning Theory and Behavioral Psychology. html Merriam-Webster. This learning is far more likely to occur if observed behaviors are met with rewards, however. Observational learning is also at the heart of the controversy concerning violence in the media, which some believe leads to more violent behavior in real life as individuals observe and learn from "fake" violent depictions.
Pages There is growing evidence that violent media does in fact lead to increased real-world violence, both with "copy-cat" crimes and simply with violence generally. Exposure to violence lowers inhibitions against violence and possibly alters perceptions about the meanings and intentions behind others' behaviors, as well, causing nonviolent acts to be perceived as…. Psychology in Group Work Learning Theory There are many theories that describe the process of human development. Most of us have identified with the learning theory. The learning theory has been given credit because it makes sense.
In this article, we shall discuss one theory, which the author developed in an educational setting. The focus is on Bandura who is the key theorist in his learning theory Agnew, Behaviors are taken into focus in Bandura's learning theory. The theory is significantly useful offering techniques of teaching and modifying of behavior. In the following sections, examples are going to be provided. This study will begin with clarification of the basic concept of the specified theory. This will be followed with a discussion of the theory's practical use: both classroom and clinical application Bandura, The learning theory of Bandura The learning theory of Bandura provides that we learn from one….
References Agnew, R. A revised strained theory of delinquency. Social Forces 64 1 : doi: Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. learning can be categorized into three distinct groups: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Behaviorism refers to the student's interaction with the environment and focuses on the external aspects of learning and on that which encourages learning such as positive reinforcement on the one hand and punishment on the toehr. Cogntivism, on the other hand, focuses on attitudes, motivation, and ideas and refers to the brain's interaction with the academic environment and with subject taught.
Finally, constructivism represents and describes the situation where the learner actively builds new ideas or constructs learning situations. Behaviorism Behaviorism believes that external actions and manner dominate if not replace cognition. References Brown, B. Teaching Science as a Language: A "Content-First" Approach to Science Teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 45 5 : -- Charles, C. Building classroom discipline. USA: Pearson Pub. Baron, R. Social Psychology 11th Ed. Pearson Education, Inc. Benson, N. Introducing Psychology. K: Totem Books. In conjunction with these perspectives on how to create a highly effective online learning platform that aligns to the specific needs of students, there is a corresponding area of research that concentrates on teaching resiliency in the teaching process.
The work of Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University underscores the need for leading students to continually challenge themselves to grow and have a very strong growth mindset vs. A limited on. She draws on an empirically-derived research study that shows the greater the growth mindset of even the most talented and gifted mindset, the greater the long-term performance gains they make in life Dweck, Her book, Mindset, challenges both students and teachers to create a culture of continual focus on excellence and continual striving to improve, never taking a closed or limited mindset to improvement. It is an inspirational book and shows that there is hope for continual improvement…. Works Cited Ahlfeldt, S.
Measurement and analysis of student engagement in university classes where varying levels of PBL methods of instruction are in use. Basile, a. An experimental analysis of computer-mediated instruction and student attitudes in a Principles of Financial Accounting course. Journal of Education for Business, 77 3 , Beard, L. Students perceptions of online vs. campus instruction. Education, 4 , Dutton, j. How do Online Students Differ from Lecture Students? It is fairly clear that there was learning going on when the children observed aggressive behavior, but leaping immediately to the conclusion that what was learned was aggression, and not the specific behaviors exhibited by the adult models and repeated by the children, seems at least a little presumptive. If it can be assumed that the children in the experiment had never witnessed the specific behaviors of the models prior to the experiment which would have been necessary to establish for the experiment itself to be valid , then the behavior might have been simply frightening to them, and acting out the behaviors might have been a method of familiarizing themselves with the behavior so as to understand it and make it less frightening.
Though the end result would be the same desensitization to aggression, the possibility of this mechanism is important. This possibility, and the construction and results of the…. References Isom, M. Accessed 29 August htm Van Wagner, K. Theories Skinner's radical behaviorism has been used to provide explanations for a number of behavioral phenomenon including criminal behavior Skinner, For instance, the crime of burglary offers an example of how antisocial behaviors are learned through reinforcement. Members of society that commonly engage in theft or burglary learn their trade via the reinforcing aspects of stealing. The need to steal may be initially activated by means of some form of need or desire to have material gain; however, for many individuals who habitually engage in thievery repeated stealing is positively reinforced by the tangible acquisition of goods provided by these activities.
For many of these individuals this behavior is reinforced by the notion that it is easier to steal from others then to apply oneself, work hard, and take the chance on getting the lees than desired rewards. However, many habitual criminals actually put in as much effort into…. References Andrews, D. The psychology of criminal conduct and principles of effective prevention and rehabilitation. Forum on Corrections Research. Special Edition. shtml Bandura, A. Social leaning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Raine, A. The biological basis of crime. Petrsilia Eds. Crime:Public policies for crime control. Oakland: ICS Press. The phylogeny and ontogeny of behavior. Science, , -- theories emphasize mainly on student activity as opposed to teachers teaching.
The argument is that a student's experiences coupled with study are areas where learning begins. This is closely associated with the change in psychological theories with regard to learning from behaviorism to constructivism. I use active teaching as opposed to passive teaching. Passive learning takes place when the student only takes in whatever the tutor avails. This form of learning is considered less effective compared to active learning, in which the student seeks out whatever he or she needs to understand. Thus, passive learning seems to promote surface learning instead of deep learning. Since deep learning entails the search for meaning in whatever is learnt, it is insightful oberts, I rely mostly on constructivism in my teaching.
In constructivism, learners are considered sense-makers since they not only record the given information but also interpret it. This understanding of…. References Roberts A. ABC of Learning. htm Smith, M. Learning Theory. The Informal Encyclopedia of Education. htm UNESCO n. Most influential theories of learning. Teaching with the Constructivist Learning Theory. Community Colleges in America In and , a dozen major reports on the United States' schools were published. All stressed the need for "excellence" in education. These reports are the subject of: Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice.
The reports pertaining to higher education were published by The BusinessHigher Education Forum, and saw higher education as "unable to train skilled managers and technicians that they believed industry needed. The intuitive grasp of problems and…. Works Cited Altbach, Philip G. Kelly, and Lois Weis, eds. Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, Baker, George A. A Handbook on the Community College in America: Its History, Mission, and Management. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Diaz, David P. Miller, Richard I. Evaluating, Improving, and Judging Faculty Performance in Two-Year Colleges. Behaviorist and Cognitive Theory Psychology took a center stage and significant change in the early 20th Century when the behaviorism school of thought became dominant.
This was a major change from other theoretical perspectives that existed before hence rejecting emphasis on unconscious and conscious mind. Behaviorism strove to see that psychology becomes a more scientific discipline in that focus will be mainly on observable behavior. This approach to psychology whereby the elements of philosophy, methodology and theory are combined. The primary tenet of behaviorism as it was expressed by JohnB. Watson, B. F Skinner in writing is that the primary concern in psychology should be the behaviors that can be observed both in humans and animals and not the unobserved events which take place within the minds of individuals.
This school of thought maintains that behaviors can easily be described scientifically without recourse either to any psychological events that occur internally or…. References Leahey, T. History of Psychology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. ISBN Fritscher, L. htm Gonzalez-Prendes, A. Cognitive-Behavioral Theory. Gender-Specific Theory of Delinquency Several theories have strived to explain delinquency and crime within the society, most of which center around the individual and the personal make up or biology, yet others focus on the surrounding that the individual grows up in and the people they interact with. There are theories that are gender specific in that they tend to explain how the fact that an individual is of a given gender is a predisposition to get involved in some given crime or delinquency within the society, one of such theories which will also form the focus of the paper is the social learning theory.
The society often ascribe gender specific roles that the girls and the boys are implicitly expected to adhere to. The girls are often expected to take up some form of behavior, often subtle, though effective way of perpetuating the responsibilities and characters that are deemed…. References Albert Badnura, pdf Smith M. Social Learning Theory in Second Life. Describe how the behavior could be changed using the principles of a particular learning theory. Then describe how the same behavior could be changed using a different theory. Depending on the behavior to be changed and replaced, you might also discuss why one plan might work better for men than women, or for younger people than older people.
References Behlol, M. Concept of Learning. International Journal Of Psychological Studies, 2 2 , Bradshaw, M. Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions 6th ed. DeYoung, P. Relational psychotherapy: a primer. New York: Brunner-. Learning that is imparted through an educational institution or training company within the workplace setting in known as Work-based learning WL. WL is administered by an external teacher in professional capacity and supervised by an employee of the company where WL is imparted. An exhaustive literature review indicates that it was only after Moser report's shocking revelations, regarding lack of literacy, language, and numeracy skills in one out every five adults in ritain that U. K took expedited policy actions to introduce WL.
WL is relevant for all adult and young learners and more pertinent for instruction of English as a second language ESL. Since medium of interaction and business transactions in U. K is English, instruction of ESL is essential for empowering vast percentage of population that does not have requisite skills to compete in labor market due to lack of language skills. Increased use of computers and multimedia in teaching…. Guthrie Ed. New York: Guilford. Becker, HJ Educational Technology, Vol. pdf] Brown, HD White Plains, NY: Longman. Learning Environments Educators as far back as Aristotle have attempted to determine the most optimal approach to teaching and learning.
Any theory of learning must take a constellation of factors into consideration. Evidence-based research on the different components of learning theory, effective instruction, and learning environments abound, yet the one commonality is that individual differences are pivotal to the success of any approach. Additionally, even if perfect learning environments could be created, learning must be applicable to the world outside of the classroom. Indeed, that it its ultimate purpose. In this paper, this author will explore the characteristics of the backwards mapping, or designing for understanding, Common Core State Standards, both of which are integrative frameworks that promote efficient learning and effective teaching. Learning Theory and Its Importance A primary consideration of learning theorists is how to effectively address individual differences.
Consider that from the 18th century and earlier, learning…. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annuals Rev. Psychology, 51 2 , pdf Brown, D. Opening classroom doors to collaborative learning. The Education Digest, 79 7 , Understanding students with Asperger's syndrome. Phi Delta Kappa Fastbacks, , Asperger syndrome and academic achievement. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 17 2 , Metacognition and Effective Study Strategies Among African-American College and University Students, Bernadette Nwafor discusses the fact that many African-American students have trouble with basic concentration and retention skills and how the implementation of various study techniques could enhance student concentration. Nwarfor purports that those students that try to understand what they are reading through "meaningfulness, collaboration and establishment of relationships between new ideas and old experiences" are more likely to do better on tests than those who learn by merely reading through text or memorization It is her perception that African-American students learn better when they can relate to the material in question.
In this article she studies the three kinds of memory sensory, short-term and long-term memory as she shows that if a person associates something familiar with new material they are able to retain it better in their long-term memory. She cites for her example a study by…. Theory on Juvenile Delinquency Interventions that involve life-course unrelenting offenders should place emphasis on remedial social abilities, for them to have a chance to decrease their frequency of offending in future, and to tackle conduct disorder problems. Keane, Krull and Phythian define self-control as the extent to which a person is susceptible to temptation. According to them, lack of self-restraint or self-control is a fairly universal and stable characteristic, accounting for individual discrepancies in deviant, reckless, and criminal conduct.
Youngsters' parents are usually blamed for their kids' delinquent behavior. Some courts go as far as penalizing parents for their kids' antisocial actions. It is believed that weak self-control develops during early childhood, when one's family is the most central socializing agent. Hence, lack of self-restraint and the resultant deviant behavior result from…. Social learning theory. Burfeind, J. Juvenile delinquency: An integrated approach. Demuth, Stephen and Susan L. Parental Gender. Farrington, D. Family influences on delinquency. Juvenile justice and delinquency, Theory-based information can help organizations to ascertain the most appropriate training and development programs for their employees. In fact, theory-based information helps human resources managers to structure training and development for specific groups of people.
The most relevant theories include those that are related to learning, and those that are related to social relations and identity construction. Learning theories can be based on basic behaviorism, including patterns of reward and punishment that can be used to motivate specific behaviors and discourage undesirable behaviors that detract from inter-group harmony Duggan, n. However, cognitive theories of learning can be even more helpful for structuring effective employee training programs designed to cultivate specific skills or to increase productivity Duggan, n. Theories that focus more on employee engagement, group identity construction, and other sociological factors are also highly relevant in the process of employee training and development.
Motivation theory not only informs best practices…. Integrated Lesson Plan MATH Lesson Plan Grade Level: Second Arithmetic Activity Name: Addition is fun! Addition is useful because it provides a foundation for other aspects of arithmetic. What will be learned and why it is useful. The objective is for students to learn to add. Vocabulary: Addition, plus, equals. Other esources: e. Web, books, etc. A social cognitive theory of personality. John Ed. New York: Guilford Publications. Reprinted in D. Shoda [Eds. New York: Guilford Press. Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: an agentic perspective. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Frith, C. org Retrieved from. Learning According to the University of Canberra's Academic Skills Centre , learning is a highly complex process that "takes place at different levels of consciousness, and in different ways, in everything we do.
Moreover, individual people learn in different ways and have their preferred learning styles. Study skills are themselves behaviors that need to be learned like any other. Using a combination of disciplinary techniques and cognitive shifts, students can improve their capacity for learning. This will, in turn, help boost grades and test scores. However, learning in an academic context is about more than earning grades. Learning should ultimately enhance one's view of the world and increase tolerance of diversity.
The theory of multiple intelligences has formed the theoretical foundation for the study…. References Armstrong, T. Multiple intelligences. php Dartmouth College Academic Skills Center Managing your time. html Gardner, H. Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons. Langer, J. Learning through writing: Study skills in the content areas. Journal of Reading. Feb Learning Power-Myth of Educational Empowerment Education and empowerment Education is important and essential for everyone be it formal, informal or even public education. It therefore means that everyone is entitled to education. Education is an entry point to many opportunities and it forms an integral part in the preparation for as well as the legitimization of forms of social life in particular. Education is not only purposed to "achievement" that is measured through standardized tests and assessments.
There are other important purposes of education one of them being empowerment. Empowerment is a process through which an individual's assumptions are challenged about how things can be done and are done. Empowerment challenges ones basic assumption on power, achievement, helping and succeeding in life. At the centre of the empowerment concept is the idea of power. For empowerment to take place there are two things to be considered; first requires that power…. References Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Finding Common Ground in an Era of Fragile Support. aspx The Odysseus Group.
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