A masterly exposition of the pre-eminent hindu scripture, the bhagavad gita essays on gita after reading these essays, essays on gita, in particular, that in the s presidentwilsons daughter went to sri aurobindo and devoted her life - receiving thename nishtha via his vision in the sri aurobindo ashram at pondicherry index. The Lord further said that the reason for the existence of such evil people and their eventual death goes to show to the rest of the world as well as for posterity that humans should abide by certain philosophical and ethical laws. Want to Read saving…. But authorship of Bhagavad-Gita is unclear but as per Indian priest various people Lord Krishna essays on gita the author of Bhagavad-Gita. You are commenting using your Google account.
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The Bhagavad-Gita is an ancient Indian text that becomes an essential work of Hindu culture in the context of both philosophy and literature. It can be said that Gita has all the terms related to management and it can be worshiped by the Essays on gita entrepreneur. The book is written Sanskrit but various translations are done by the people in English, Hindi, Greek and many more, essays on gita. The Bhagavad-Gita means the song of lord or worship of God, essays on gita. It is designed as a poem and it includes many key topics attached to Indian custom and traditions which reflect the worship of Indian people. The Bhagavad-Gita was written in BCE and CE like Vedas and Upanishads. But authorship of Bhagavad-Gita is unclear but as per Indian priest various people Lord Krishna is the author of Bhagavad-Gita.
It has been suggested that Bhagavad-Gita is an independent text expect from the first chapter of the book. The book is very good for the young entrepreneurs by which they are able to get the innovative ideas to start their business. Various management ideas are given in the book that helps them to beat the competition. Bhagavad-Gita was written at the time when an important social change in India with kingdoms getting larger and it is increasing urbanization, more trade activity and during essays on gita social issues. All the things are mentioned in the Bhagavad-Gita that how to fight against the social issues and what are the key elements to beat the competition. The book has also narrated that what happened in the society when Jainism and Buddhism developed in the society Swarupananda, It clearly depicts that how to survive in the society when changes are going on, essays on gita.
Bhagavad-Gita is a narrative that is asked through a dialogue among Arjuna a fighter and his charioteer Lord Krishna. Arjuna is in big trouble that how could he fight with essays on gita family than Lord Krishna said him that you must fulfill your Dharma or duty rather than struggling with your issues. This kind of philosophy is implemented in the current life that person should work rather than giving the excuses. Bhagavad-Gita is designed of 18 chapters with verses and there is a section on Karma yoga, essays on gita, Bhakti yoga, and Jnana Yoga. Bhagavad-Gita resolves around various questions like the spiritual life of the person, how to be self-independent, how to achieve the duty or Karma and many more? Bhagavad-Gita challenges various social issues and always gives a perfect solution to that kind of social barriers, essays on gita.
It can be said that Bhagavad-Gita is the solution for different kind of issues and always provide the correct path to the people who are misguided from their paths. The plot of Bhagavad-Gita is based on two cousin brothers who are fighting for the rule Pandavas and Kauravas. After mutual conversation both the cousins are not able to find the solution and they end they decided to find the solution on the battlefield where one who will alive will the ruler of the kingdom Prabhavananda, In this fight Arjuna was not able to decide that he is doing right or wrong in this context lord Krishna decided to guide essays on gita Arjuna that you should follow the ethical rights rather than arguing on the emotional issues.
Bhagavad-Gita is based on the Arjuna who is not able to fight with his own cousins on the battlefield, essays on gita. Bhagavad-Gita is also known as the Gitopains. The reader of the book is able to get all the knowledge about the whole management system. It is the cast under which Lord Krishna is guiding Arjuna who is about to fight with the cousins. In between the field, Lord Krishna is telling the Arjuna that he should focus on the Krama rather than thinking that they are his friends and relatives. A person should focus on the work rather than focusing on the people around you. They are here for making you a fool or lower down your moral you should focus on the work or duty which you have.
In the current era, proper guidance is necessary and it can be gained through Bhagavad-Gita, essays on gita. People are reading the Bhagavad-Gita to aspire the learning and to learn the skills of management in better and effective way Flood, In the current situation essays on gita cut-throat competition, all the organizations are using the Bhagavad-Gita for improvement of management skills and to relate them to the religion. The entire priests in the country suggest the people read the Bhagavad-Gita it is the best teacher for the students and new entrepreneur, essays on gita. As per the upcoming businessman, it can say that Bhagavad-Gita is the best reading book and it helps them to set the business strategy. In order to maintain the product in the market, they need to learn new things which are mentioned in essays on gita book.
It is the book of complete management solution and it also helps the readers to easily mention the new things in better and effective way. In order to retain the employees essays on gita the workplace, various strategies are given in the Bhagavad-Gita by which they are able to maintain the brand value of the organization. Bhagavad-Gita is the only holy book which suggests a different kind of management styles and it also helps the managers to easily identify the issues faced by the management. Bhagavad-Gita is the book of Hindus but it can be read by people of all the religion. It can say that cast and creed must be kept aside by the businessman and always follow essays on gita business mind at the workplace Divatia, The book defines the trust and trust on the battlefield thus this book is most books in the world.
As per the Bhagavad-Gita Lord Krishna is the supreme absolute truth and it also helps the readers to identify the ancient history of the country. A self-thinking person is not able to survive in the world but in business, he is able to get the desired outcome. Bhagavad-Gita is the essays on gita book which suggests a different kind of management styles and it also increases the strategic aspiration of the organizations. In order to maintain the brand value of the organization, essays on gita, the various organization is using Bhagavad-Gita. It is a part of Mahabharata in which Lord Krishna and Arjuna are talking about the Karma and it also suggests the person should be focused on Karma rather than relations. It means an entrepreneur should keep the family essays on gita business on a different aspect.
Divatia, H. The Art of Life in the Bhagavad-gita, essays on gita. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Swarupananda, S. Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Advaita Ashrama A publication branch of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math. Essays on gita are various elements of a Christian story that forms the basis of character formation in an individual Heie, Most of the elements fall under spiritual formation which is otherwise referred to as sanctification. Spiritual essays on gita is vital in …. The claim they all share is their belief towards Prophet Abraham being their mutual forefather.
The capacity of mechanically duplicating works of art has …. Your email address will not be published. Home About Us Free Essays Latest Essays Pricing Plans Contact Us Login Religion. Home Blog Religion BHAGAVAD-GITA ESSAY. Introduction The Bhagavad-Gita is an ancient Indian text that becomes an essential work of Hindu culture in the context of both philosophy and literature. History of Bhagavad-Gita It essays on gita been suggested that Bhagavad-Gita is an independent text expect from the first chapter of the book. Literary details Bhagavad-Gita is based on the Arjuna who is not able to fight with his own cousins on the battlefield, essays on gita.
Conclusion Bhagavad-Gita is the holy book which suggests a different kind of management styles and it also increases the strategic aspiration of the organizations. Reference Divatia, H. Flood, G. The Bhagavad Gita: a new translation. Prabhavananda, essays on gita, S. Bhagavad Gita-The Song of God. Read Books Ltd. Previous post Biochemistry essays on gita Hair Color October 10, Next post Face to Face and Non-Face to Face Social Settings October 10, The Psychology of Christian Character Formation 13 May, Comparative Review of Angels within Abrahamic Faiths 13 May, The Difference between Religion Esteem and Presentation Esteem 4 May, Leave A Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published, essays on gita.
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To do this a detailed theological construct around the nature Most of us know at a high level the core message of Gita to some extent - "Just do your job focusing on the process without getting obsessed with results. To do this a detailed theological construct around the nature of the universe, soul, God etc. are laid out and on that basis justification is provided. It is more like reconciling various things said in other theological texts that came before that and condensing everything to a central message. That way one gets an idea why The Gita is considered the most important book of the Hindu religion. It was not a very easy read as explanation of theological construct is more theoretical exposition.
But yes. If one labors through it, the book does give a reasonable overview of the message of the Gita without over simplifications. And definitely gives some food for contemplation if read with open mind. I stress the open mind because the theological constructs such as the 3 aspects of God incidentally Aurobindo links this to the Biblical construct of Father, Son and Holy Spirit , concept of Avatars, nature and God, three Gunas etc. do not have any basis in experimental data or mathematical rigor linking to other scientifically proven facts to support them as per the demands of modern science. flag 4 likes · Like · see review. Sep 04, Saurabh Goyal rated it it was amazing. Second, the book itself is a commentary on the original text. Sri Aurobindo dissects the text with such brilliance that any subsequent comment appears redundant at best.
Gita has been fundamental text of ancient Indian culture. The sheer brilliance of the text can be gauged from the fact that even after thousands of years, the text continues to shape Indian mind; time has certainly changed the context, but it has not weathered the essence and vitality of the Gita. The text is a discourse between Krishna and Arjuna, between two friends, between a warrior and his charioteer, between baffled lower self and guiding higher self of man, between human and latent divine in himself. The backdrop is set in the midst of a war. Arjuna who is the chief hope of the Pandava-race in a battle against evil and injustice, finds himself intimidated; the extent of destruction and bloodshed that war will leave its wake breaks down every social and intellectual moral-scaffolding Arjuna has ever known.
Grief and sentimentalism overcome him and induce a sense of easy self-righteousness; Victory, honour, glory and a chivalrous fight, which have been his Kshtriya-dharma so far in life, no longer seemed inspiring enough; a world with justice and righteousness is still desired but not to be acquired at the cost of bloodshed in an all-drawing war. So Arjuna casts aside his bow and arrow. Arjuna is committing the most common human fallacy- being a judge in his own cause; Overcome by sentimentalism, he constructs a web of arguments for his own psychological comfort and finds himself trapped in this web of his own making.
But guiding him in the field of battle is Krishna, the friend, the higher self, the divine himself. His gaze penetrates deep into the mind of Arjuna and dissects the web bit by bit. He takes Arjuna into the deepest recesses of human existence and lays out a doctrine which is immense in its scope, eternal in its nature and exacting in its demands. Krishna tells Arjuna that the war that is about to ensue will happen anyway, with or without him. The people at war were only instruments of divine-working, serving divine purpose- progression of human life and existence.
The test of a philosophical text should not be how neat and clean moral instructions it can provide, but rather how much it can unsettle the set beliefs and stretch them higher and deeper. Gita scores full marks on that test. You may agree or disagree with what it says but you cannot be indifferent to it; even if it does not provide answers to all your questions, it will certainly enhance the quality of your doubts. And that is worth reading a text for. flag 3 likes · Like · see review. May 10, The Conch rated it really liked it Shelves: adhyatmik. The main theme of the book is to show evolution of human being from ordinary, elemental plane of consciousness to God level consciousness. For this the process is first leave the fruit of your karma, then gradually sacrifice all of your karma to God.
Your body, mind, intellect, ego everything are of nature, which is subordinate the Supreme Purusha. So, think all works of Him too. In this way one will be liberated for the cycle of death and life. Dec 25, R rated it it was amazing. Why would one read this book? Anyone who tries to read Bhagavad-Gita would realize that it is a poem very difficult to understand by itself. A lot of information is packed within a handful of verses and without knowing the context and background of the poem, the value of the lesson gets lost in ignorance of the reader.
Without guided assistance, any attempt to read Bhagavad-Gita is a futile effort that either leads to oversimplification of its philosophical depth or surrender to its unfathomable Why would one read this book? Without guided assistance, any attempt to read Bhagavad-Gita is a futile effort that either leads to oversimplification of its philosophical depth or surrender to its unfathomable complexity. Leaving aside the quality of Sanskrit translation, the texts available in the market can broadly be classified into three groups. There are books sold as religious treatise, there are books that are sold as a primer to understanding the struggle between inner self and the world and there are books that are a philosophical summary emphasizing disinterested effort.
It often leaves the reader with incomplete or inaccurate understanding of the text. However, that is too much to ask from a reader, primarily because it is not a new theory but a revivification of a collection of theories that already existed prior to Bhagavad-Gita. It is here that Essays in Gita bridges the gap. Essays in Gita is not a translation of verses - in fact it does not contain any verses from Gita. Instead, it is a collection of essays taking the reader through the essence of the text. Like all other books on Gita, this is an interpretation of the theory of Gita but perhaps one of the most expansive and unbiased one. This book is for anyone who is planning to understand the message of Gita. It takes the readers through the need and message of Gita.
It talks about the similarities and differences between Gita and other philosophical texts such as Upanishads. The book emphasizes the importance of adapting the meaning of any philosophical text to the needs of the time and also the importance of understanding the context of the time the text was written in. It ensures that no single interpretation is forced on the reader and yet walks the reader through the meaning of the text. The author makes a painstaking effort to ensure that the message is presented in the right context and logical flaws are proactively handled. Part-1 of the book is entirely philosophical with emphasis on explaining the symbolic aspects of Gita such as avatarhood.
flag 1 like · Like · see review. Sep 18, Rakesh rated it it was amazing. The Bhagavad Gita re-written for the modern mind, by one of India's greatest seers. To read the Essays on the Gita is to experience the message of Krishna and fall in love with Him and his Lila. Apr 20, Erik Wennermark rated it it was amazing. This book is outstanding. Can't say enough about it. Perfect to deepen one's understanding of the Gita. Apr 07, Pariselvakumar Panneerselvam rated it it was amazing · review of another edition. In my opinion - best book on metaphysics of spirituality ever written.
Apr 09, Chandan Priyadarshi rated it it was amazing Shelves: spiritual. What an amazing commentary on Bhagvad Gita Must read this book to know the real message by Gita to whole mankind. Dec 31, Santosh rated it it was amazing · review of another edition. These essays open up the deep teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most renowned spiritual scriptures of humanity, in a way that makes it a real and powerful aid to inner growth and development. flag Like · see review. Sep 29, Ruth Vanita rated it it was amazing. The best commentary on the Gita I have read so far. Oct 25, Kishore Ramchandran rated it liked it.
not free-flowing like Swami Vivekananda, difficult to make sense of, maybe will revisit later.. Indradeep Ghosh rated it it was amazing Mar 04, Biswajit rated it it was amazing Oct 17, Bhagavad Gita Hinduism. But in actuality a cross-cultural synthesis of Indo-American spiritual bonding had already The Bhagavad Gita is a verse Hinduism scripture. Also known as Gita, the scripture is considered as the 6th book It involves an interaction between two characters: Arjuna, a powerful warrior, and Krishna, a supreme deity The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic well known for its 18TH book, the Bhagavad Gita.
In the book Arjuna is a leader of the Pandavas and What constitutes human nature? What is being human mean? How to lead a good life, a moral life? What constitutes being moral? Philosophy and philosophers have helped us find answers to these questions and tried to guide us for centuries. There are few texts and Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Original Language. Roots Essays A Raisin in The Sun Essays George Orwell Essays Hamlet Essays Macbeth Essays Othello Essays Poetry Essays Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays Romeo and Juliet Essays Satire Essays. Filter Selected filters. Themes Krishna Arjuna Mahabharata Gaudiya Vaishnavism Yoga Brahman Kurukshetra Svayam Bhagavan.
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