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Conservation of natural resources essay

Conservation of natural resources essay

Though available naturally in the environment, these natural resources cannot be replenished or take hundreds of years to recycle. Man depends on upon agriculture for food, conservation of natural resources essay, clothing, medicine and a number of other different requirements. These natural resources are being used by humans directly or indirectly for leading a smooth life. Whereas the second type of natural resources is renewable or nonconventional. Depletion of natural resources is the cause of serious concern for the world.

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Essay on Natural Resources! These essays will also guide you to learn about the meaning, types, importance, depletion, conservation and uses of natural resources, conservation of natural resources essay. Contents List of Essays on Natural Resources Essay on Natural Resources — Short Essay for Kids Essay 1 — Words Essay on Natural Resources — 10 Lines on Natural Resources Written conservation of natural resources essay English Essay 2 — Words Essay on Natural Resources Essay 3 — Words Essay on Natural Resources — For School Students Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard Essay 4 — Words Essay on Natural Resources — Uses, Importance, Protection and Conclusion Essay 5 — Words Essay on Natural Resources — For College and University Students Essay 6 — Words Essay on Natural Resources Essay 7 — Words Essay on Natural Resources — Long Essay for Competitive Exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC Essay 8 — Words, conservation of natural resources essay.

Natural resources are the resources that we get from the Earth naturally. Natural resources include the flora and fauna around us, air, water, sunlight, etc. Generally, there are two types of natural resources. They are renewable like solar energy, conservation of natural resources essay, and non-renewable natural resources like fossil fuels. The renewable natural resource does not get depleted and gets renewed with time, while the non-renewable resources gets depleted with increasing usage. The natural resources are a gift to mankind that must be used sustainably and must be preserved for the future generation. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard and college students.

Furthermore, those students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays. Natural resources are things available naturally on earth and are useful for humans and other living things. All natural resources must be used cautiously. Natural resources are all materials that are available naturally on earth. Some natural resources are air, water, plants, gases, minerals, conservation of natural resources essay, coal, oil and sunlight. Some of these are directly usable while others are processed to generate useful products. Natural resources are classified as renewable and non-renewable.

The ones that are replenished naturally and available for use again are renewable natural resources like water, solar energy, plants, air, animals etc. Many of these resources such as water, air and sunlight is easily renewable but some take longer time to renew such as wood. Natural Resources that cannot be regenerated or may take thousands of years to form again are non-renewable natural resources like coal, fossil oil, minerals etc. Natural resources must be used judiciously and must be conserved for the coming future generations. Some people and even some leading figures in the modern world seem to think that the earth is an endless source of natural resources.

The reality is different and we are being confronted with this fact every day. We can preserve the natural resources by reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources and using more renewable resources. This also helps in keeping our environment free from pollution. But, human being have not yet realized the importance of natural resources. Once we go over a certain line there will be no way back, we can only take as much as there is. But the bigger question in the debate about natural resources is do we need all that we are taking? We most certainly do not so learning to be responsible is the next phase in our evolution.

Natural resources are those gift given to us by nature for the better life and survival. Some of these naturally acquired resources are abundantly available in and around our earth, conservation of natural resources essay, but at the same time some of them are very rarely found and formed. Some of these renewable natural resources conservation of natural resources essay solar energy, water, air, soil, etc. Those resources cannot conservation of natural resources essay found easily are minerals, fossil fuels, etc. These natural resources are being used by humans directly or indirectly for leading a smooth life.

Most of the renewable resources like sunlight, conservation of natural resources essay, air, soil, water, etc. Even though most of these natural resources are renewable and found in abundance, some of them are exploited by human activities. All those non-renewable resources take millions of years to form. Unauthorized and careless use of these natural resources will result in the shortage of such resources for future use. Population increase can be noted as the main reason behind this threat of natural resource exploitation. Increase in population has increased the usage demand for more natural resources as well.

This includes the over-consumption of lands by destroying the real natural value of them for setting up big buildings, industrialization, etc. Increase in modern technologies and requirements have polluted our natural resources like air, water, and land as well, by exposing them to more chemically harmful wastes. Raw materials derived from fossil fuels like petroleum products are in a threat to be vanished of due to the excess usage. All these threats can be rectified by using our natural resources more carefully without taking it for granted. Natural conservation of natural resources essay are those elements which are of great use for human beings and found naturally on earth. Human beings along with other species of plants and animals has been dependent on these natural resources since ages.

We can divide the natural resources into four main categories. These are living, non-living, renewable natural resources, and non-renewable natural resources. Living resources are plants, forests, domestic and wild animals. Non-living resources include air, water, fire, coal, petroleum, fossil fuels, etc. Renewable natural resources are those which can be used repeatedly without exhausting the source. These are sunlight, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, etc. The non-renewable natural resources consist of sources that will be depleted in the long-run. These are coal, petroleum, oils, and other minerals. Natural resources are essential to our survival. For instance, plants and trees produce oxygen that we breathe in. They also form the base of the food chain on earth.

No life is possible without air, water, and sunlight. Even the fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat that we eat are all natural resources which nourish us and keep us alive. Given that, in recent decades, human beings have exhausted almost all kinds of non-renewable resources for both commercial and personal purposes. As a result, the earth is on the verge of losing many of its conservation of natural resources essay natural resources, such as coals and fossil fuels. Apart from that, for accommodating and feeding the ever-growing population, natural resources like trees and forests have been cleared on an enormous level. This has led to deforestation, floods, drought, earthquakes, and much more. Protecting our forests is the first essential step to conserve our environment.

When we lose forests, we also happen to lose many plant and animal species which are necessary for the cycle of life. Using renewable natural resources are the right ways to live as these are eco-friendly and pollution-free sources and found in abundance. Our planet earth has reached its tipping point where it cannot take any more of these selfish human activities. While resources are those things considered necessary for the existence of man. Natural resources are major components of nature and the environment that are important in our daily lives. These resources are sometimes available in infinite supply while others are in limited supply. For instance, nations with crude oil understand that at some point their reserves would dry out.

The renewable resources are those resources that can be used consistently. This refers to air, vegetation, and animals since they can be bred. They are further divided into organic and nonorganic resources. Due care should be taken with conservation of natural resources essay to the use of organic renewable resources like vegetation and animals, as they deplete quickly. This places them in danger of extinction and this has been the case with some of these resources. Also, It takes a conservation of natural resources essay time for these natural resources to be restored. Non-renewable resources refer to those that cannot be renewed or restored. They are mostly fossils, fuels, and minerals. When their resources dry out they become conservation of natural resources essay. These unique resources are not evenly distributed in the world.

You would find some parts of the world more enriched than other parts with certain resources. Also, there are countries that have little or no natural resource at all. In other cases, the countries lack the requisite means to explore their resources due to capital availability. The uneven nature of natural resource distribution is as a result of differences in climate, terrain and altitude change. Generally, resources that are renewable are mostly used for consumption and housing. The non-renewables are used in housing, technological, biological and mechanical developments. As a result of overpopulation, these resources are often exploited unreasonably and their depletions are accelerated causing extinction.

Also, greed and over exploration by some countries have caused irreparable loss and depletion on non-renewable natural resources. This has led to anomalies in climate and environmental conditions. It has further acted as a catalyst in this downward spiral. Also, conservation of natural resources essay need for explorations for mechanical, scientific and biological research has led to environmental pollutions. It has led to the contamination of resources and the extinction of fragile natural resources like plants and microscopic animals.

Hence, there is a need for urgent reformation in order to revive and protect endangered species and our environment. This reform should be in several parts. First, government should change its policy on exploration. Exploration of natural resources should be on a needs basis. The members of the public must also be sensitized of the need to stop pollution. Finally, the efforts of environmentalist should be supplemented by government policies.

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We need to protect and conserve natural resources as they are extremely essential for the survival of human beings as well as other living beings. Life on Earth is possible only because of the availability of natural resources. If we continue to exploit natural resources and deplete them at this rate, we shall not be able to survive on this planet for long. We are not only consuming the non-renewable natural resources rapidly and face a risk of depleting these soon but are also deteriorating the quality of those available in abundance. The air and water quality has gone down due to pollution and it is likely to degrade further in the times to come. We need to protect and conserve natural resources for our future generations so that they can enjoy a comfortable life just as we do.

We must all take it as our responsibility to avoid wastage of our natural resources. We must contribute towards the protection and conversation of these precious resources that nature has bestowed on us. Natural resources are available freely in nature but most of these are either limited or take hundreds of years to recycle. This is the reason why we must use these resources carefully and avoid any kind of wastage. However, it is easier said than done. Human beings have grown so accustomed to utilizing natural resources for different purposes that it is difficult for them to live without these. We do not realize that these are depleting fast and we may not be left with much of these in the times to come. Electricity is produced from both renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

Large amount of fossil fuels are being used to produce electricity. Saving electricity can go a long way in saving natural resources such as water, coal, natural gases and biomass. Simple practices such as limiting the use of air conditioners, keeping the lights turned off during the day time, unplugging the appliances if not in use and using energy efficient devices can help. Fuels such as petrol and diesel on which our vehicles run are derived from petroleum which is a non renewable natural resource. We must choose our means of transportation wisely in order to save fuel else we will run out of it in the times to come. Using public transport, regular car pooling, opting for electric vehicles and turning off the engine on red lights are a few ways to save fuel.

Paper is made out of wood which is a renewable natural resource. However, it is a renewable resource that takes time to replenish. Trees are being cut at a rapid speed and they do not grow as fast. It takes years for this natural resource to renew. This is the reason why we must stop wasting paper. Some of the ways in which we can do so are by using both the sides of the paper while printing, opting for online bills and sending used papers for recycling. We must also make it a habit to plant trees and encourage those around us to do the same. Though a renewable natural resource, it is essential to save water else we may run out of clean water which is used for drinking, cooking, cleaning and other such purposes.

This can be done by making small changes in our routine such as using water from the bucket while bathing, watering plants and washing car instead of using showers or pipes for these tasks. Similarly, keeping the tap turned off when not in use while brushing teeth or washing dishes can help in avoiding wastage of water. In order to secure our future and live a comfortable life, we must use our natural resources wisely. There are numerous ways to conserve these resources such as choosing our means of transport wisely, planting trees, avoiding over usage of electrical appliances and avoiding wastage of water.

If each one of us takes it as a responsibility to avoid wastage of natural resources and the government keeps a serious tab on the consumption of natural resources then conserving the, will get easier. Natural resources are those resources that have been made available to us by nature. There is no human intervention in producing these resources. Since centuries man has used these resources to satiate many of his needs. Many of these resources are used directly while others are used indirectly. These resources are used to prepare things that come handy in our lives. From using these natural resources to exploiting every bit of them — man has come a long way. We need to conserve the natural resources so that our future generations can also use them to make their life comfortable.

There are basically two types of natural resources. These are renewable natural resources and non-renewable natural resources. Renewable natural resources are those resources that can be renewed naturally for example air, water, sunlight, wood, soil, etc. These are further divided into two categories — those natural resources that can be renewed easily and those that take time to replenish. Wood and soil fall in the second category. Non Renewable resources are those resources that cannot be recycled or renewed. While some of these are available in abundance in the nature, others are limited. Some of the examples of non renewable resources include minerals, natural gases and metals.

Non-renewable resources are used for various purposes and are getting depleted at a fast rate. Since these cannot be renewed these would disappear from the surface of Earth in the coming times as we are exploiting them badly. We need to conserve and protect both renewable as well as non-renewable natural resources. This is because these natural resources are limited. These are the reason we are surviving on this planet and are leading a comfortable life. If we continue to deplete them at this rate, our survival on Earth will become extremely difficult.

The importance of conserving the natural resources has been emphasized time and again. However, we still continue to use these carelessly. It is important for us to take this issue seriously and stop unnecessary wastage of these precious resources. We must understand that our carelessness can affect the future generations adversely. They will have to face a lot of hardships if we do not conserve natural resources for their use. There are many ways in which natural resources can be saved. Following simple practices can help in creating a big difference.

In order to conserve natural resources, we must first remind ourselves about the need to do so. We have grown so accustomed to using various things in our day to day life that we do not realize that in doing so we are consuming a good amount of natural resources. There are many times when we can do without using these things however we continue to use them blindly without realizing how we are contributing towards our own extinction. From the electricity we consume to the water we use, from the fuel we use in our vehicles to the paper we use to write, everything is derived directly or indirectly from the natural resources.

Simple things such as turning off the lights before leaving the room, unplugging the electrical appliances when they are not in use, avoiding printing of paper and using the e-copies wherever you can, loading the washing machine fully while washing the clothes and using bucket instead of shower or pipes while bathing and washing cars can help in conserving natural resources. It is important for us to realize that out natural resources are limited. We must plan and use these wisely so that these are not wasted. This will help in conserving them for our future generations. Every person must take it as his responsibility to use the natural resources cautiously and contribute towards conserving them.

Essay on Natural Resources. Examples of non-renewable resources include coal, oil, gold, iron, etc. All living organisms, especially humans, depend immensely on natural resources for their survival. An average person in Asia consumes about 14 kgs of natural resources per day. Natural resources provide us with food to eat. They give us vegetables, fish, nuts, medicines and drinking water. The utensils like spoons, forks and knives that are required to eat are also made from the raw materials that these natural resources provide. All our transportation vehicles, including cars, trains and aeroplanes, make use of natural resources not only in their physical structures but also need resources to run on.

All the stone, wood, plastic and metal that is required to build houses and roads also comes from these natural resources. Due to various reasons, these limited natural resources have been exploited and face the risk of depletion. Environmental pollution is a major threat to natural resources. The chemicals discharged from factories seep into the soil and water, thus harming its properties and making it unfit for use. The untreated discharge also poses a great danger to aquatic life. The rapid increase in the human population is the single most significant reason why natural resources fall short. The demand for them has drastically increased.

Because of more people to feed and house, more land is required for cultivation and housing. This forces the need to cut down forests for urbanisation and agricultural activities. Due to various human activities, there is a great deal of climate change that has taken place. Excessive flooding, severe droughts, punishing forest fires, etc. are responsible for the extinction and vulnerability of many types of flora and fauna. Conservation of natural resources implies using limited resources judicially and economically, saving species from the verge of extinction, restoring habitats and protecting biological diversity. Following are some ways that can be followed to conserve them The activity of hunting or poaching is responsible for the extinction of many exotic species. Hunters sell animal skin and teeth in the black market and earn huge revenues.

The government should formulate stricter policies and regulations to curb this unholy practice. One other way of reducing our dependence on finite fossil fuels such as petroleum and diesel is by purchasing hybrid cars.

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