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The awakening kate chopin essay

The awakening kate chopin essay

Pontellier setting me free! Boston, Sometimes, the point-of-view in a novel can shift and change, but the bottom line is -- point-of-view is a compelling way the awakening kate chopin essay keep the reader interested in the story, while telling more about the characters. In "Jude the Obscure," Arabella typifies… Bibliography Chopin, Kate. Jason Hartford for example consider religion in terms of… References Primary sources Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovary. The farther removed one's own… Bibliography Budge, E.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Books — The Awakening. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. apply filters cancel. Analysis of Whether Edna's Suicide is a Sign of Success Or Failure words 2 Pages. The Awakening. In the aftermath of the Civil War, many artists and writers were inspired to reject the lofty ideals of romanticism and focus attention on a new movement — one representing aspects of everyday life. American realist authors such as Mark Twain and Charles Chestnutt are Edna is immediately Kate Chopin Novel The Awakening.

Her marriage is both a source of positive and negative influence on her, in that it both confines, imprisons, and depresses her while also providing her with an impetus, reasoning, and inspiration for her individual The time period in which it happens, and the events that lead up to it only give a clear explanation that all she Freedom Kate Chopin The Awakening. Playing the major role, protagonists possess distinguishing characteristics of a complex character. Edna feels suffocated by conventional society and has no interest in being a devoted wife or mother. She feels trapped with Leonce and her children, the awakening kate chopin essay, but does not have the abilities required to Kate Chopin seamlessly integrates plot with setting in her novel The Awakening.

Various locations mold Edna Pontellier into a bold transgressor of outdated social conventions, and allow for her dynamic growth. Edna grows accustomed to the lax customs found on Grande Isle, and gradually transitions During this time, women were legally viewed as the property of their husbands, and were often shamed for things like sexual promiscuity, lack of dependence on a husband, In The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, unsatisfied Edna longs for something to sweep her off her feet. When it does, in the form of fresh love Robert, Edna realizes that she must choose between her family and her own mind and soul.

At this realization, In The Awakening, author Kate Chopin offers a tale of self exploration and fulfillment in protagonist Edna, the awakening kate chopin essay, who finds herself at odds with the warped society that is her reality. Taking place primarily in Louisiana islands, the Gulf of Mexico is perhaps, the second the awakening kate chopin essay A woman sits alone in her empty living room, overtaken by an unbearable ennui. She sits cross-legged, with one elbow propped up on the faded, beige armrest, and the other resting on her thigh. In her novel, The Awakening, Kate Chopin shows Edna Pontellier¹s confrontations with society, her imprisonment in marriage and Edna¹s exploration of her own sexuality. Chopin also portrays Edna as a rebel, who after her experiences at Grand Isle wants to live a full and a Edna Pontellier, experiences a personal rebirth, becoming an independent, sexual, and feeling woman, shunning the restraints of the oppressive society in which she lives.

This awakening happens on Grand Isle, a luxurious island on which Creating a social sensation when it was introduced inThe Awakening the awakening kate chopin essay labeled one of the first feminist novels as it fell into tone with the rapidly rising group of young women who demanded political and social equality. Both the sea and the Because she rarely thinks about the consequences her actions have on other people, Edna Pontellier resembles a child. Nothing illustrates her childishness more powerfully than the scenes with her own sons, in which she betrays her irresponsibility and self-absorption.

Yet Edna is far from alone Character Kate Chopin The Awakening. Feeling Kate Chopin The Awakening. Alex and Josie are in a supermarket where a Human Sexual Behavior Sex, Gender and Sexuality The Awakening. Book Review Literature Review The Awakening. Reisz who represents independence and freedom, Edna who represents entrapment, and Adèle who represents the ideal female of society. Adèle is a mother who devotes her entire self Book Review The Awakening Woman. Book Review Symbolism The Awakening. The novel shares elements Literature Review Novel The Awakening.

Experience is everything when talking about a subject. If you have actual experience with the topic that you are talking about, it will be immensely helpful, as you will have had priceless insight on how and why things are happening. It is just not the Gender Inequality The Awakening. The awakening kate chopin essay The Awakening. Andrew Wakefield, the awakening kate chopin essay, a British gastroenterologist, published a study in the Lancet that was fraudulent. His medical research was seized by the UK medical register because they found dishonesty in his research paper, the awakening kate chopin essay. His findings published in the research paper was the vaccine for measles, mumps As Shakespeare so the awakening kate chopin essay wrote, finding oneself is the key to truth.

This idea is Pudd Nhead Wilson The Awakening The Wife of His Youth. Thematically, the two Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Edna Pontellier, Adèle Ratignolle, Léonce Pontellier, Robert Lebrun, Alcée Arobin. Sense and Sensibility Essays A Raisin in The Sun Essays George Orwell Essays Hamlet Essays Macbeth Essays Othello Essays Poetry Essays Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays Romeo and Juliet Essays Satire Essays. Filter Selected filters. Themes Sociology Marriage Texas Louisiana Kate Chopin Edna Jackson County.

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Edna Pontellier, experiences a personal rebirth, becoming an independent, sexual, and feeling woman, shunning the restraints of the oppressive society in which she lives. This awakening happens on Grand Isle, a luxurious island on which Creating a social sensation when it was introduced in , The Awakening was labeled one of the first feminist novels as it fell into tone with the rapidly rising group of young women who demanded political and social equality. Both the sea and the Because she rarely thinks about the consequences her actions have on other people, Edna Pontellier resembles a child. Nothing illustrates her childishness more powerfully than the scenes with her own sons, in which she betrays her irresponsibility and self-absorption.

Yet Edna is far from alone Character Kate Chopin The Awakening. Feeling Kate Chopin The Awakening. Alex and Josie are in a supermarket where a Human Sexual Behavior Sex, Gender and Sexuality The Awakening. Book Review Literature Review The Awakening. Reisz who represents independence and freedom, Edna who represents entrapment, and Adèle who represents the ideal female of society. Adèle is a mother who devotes her entire self Book Review The Awakening Woman. Book Review Symbolism The Awakening. The novel shares elements Literature Review Novel The Awakening.

Experience is everything when talking about a subject. If you have actual experience with the topic that you are talking about, it will be immensely helpful, as you will have had priceless insight on how and why things are happening. It is just not the Gender Inequality The Awakening. Choices The Awakening. Andrew Wakefield, a British gastroenterologist, published a study in the Lancet that was fraudulent. His medical research was seized by the UK medical register because they found dishonesty in his research paper. His findings published in the research paper was the vaccine for measles, mumps As Shakespeare so eloquently wrote, finding oneself is the key to truth. This idea is Pudd Nhead Wilson The Awakening The Wife of His Youth.

Thematically, the two Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Edna Pontellier, Adèle Ratignolle, Léonce Pontellier, Robert Lebrun, Alcée Arobin. Sense and Sensibility Essays A Raisin in The Sun Essays George Orwell Essays Hamlet Essays Macbeth Essays Othello Essays Poetry Essays Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays Romeo and Juliet Essays Satire Essays. Filter Selected filters. Themes Sociology Marriage Texas Louisiana Kate Chopin Edna Jackson County. Chopin's characterization of Edna's awakening is somewhat reminiscent of the freedoms she personally experienced while growing up alongside strong, independent, and trailblazing women who continuously defied conventions and did not let society dictate what they could or could not do yatt.

The Awakening takes part during the course of two consecutive summers in which Edna exhibits cyclical tendencies. Through her various rebellious, albeit unadvised actions, Edna…. Works Cited Appell, Felicia. The Awakening and Selected Short Stories. A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication. protagonist of Kate Chopin's book, The Awakening, Edna Pontellier, starts a one way voyage to find herself. A young wife and mother living in New Orleans at the end of the nineteenth century makes surprising discoveries about who she is, abut what is essential and what is not.

As she explains to her friend, Mrs. Ratignolle, there are things that are far more important to someone than one's own life. The finding of her true self will cost Edna one "unessential" possession in the end: her life, but she proved the trip worth the cost. She chooses to distance herself from everything she knew before in order to gain the clarity and the objectivity she needed to explore the new world within. Although, Edna's marriage to Leonce Pontellier was a conflict in itself, it was nothing out of the ordinary for the first six years. A young girl who dreams…. Bibliography Chopin, Kate.

Herbert S. Color Purple- Film and Book The Color Purple is a deeply through-provoking and highly engrossing tale of three black women who use their personal strength to transform their lives. Alice Walker's work was published in and it inspired Steven Spielberg so much that he began working on its film version as soon as the novel won accolades for its brilliant storyline and powerful narrative. However the movie, though it won eleven Oscar nominations, wasn't as compelling as the novel. The major difference lied in the presentation of the horrifying stories of three leading female characters. While Walker concentrated on accentuation of their bleak and ugly world, Spielberg focused more on the fairytale aspect of their tales and the fact that they eventually overpowered their helplessness.

The opening scenes can serve as an excellent example of the difference of approach that set the book apart. The first few pages concentrate…. References Bronte, Charlotte: Jane Eyre, Penguin USA Paper ; Reprint edition September Alice Walker, The Color Purple, Pocket Books; Reissue edition May Chopin Kate: The Awakening and selected stories: Penguin USA Awakenings - Dr. Oliver Sack Film Based on a true story about Dr. Oliver Sack's work in the s, Penny Marshall's film Awakenings elucidates the challenges of clinical experimental psychology. Sack's fictionalized character, Dr. Malcolm Sayer had worked as a laboratory researcher until he was forced to accept a new position treating catatonic patients at a Bronx mental institution. His relative inexperience in a clinical setting could be partly to blame for his somewhat idealistic approach to treating the patients under his care.

In any case, Sayer attends a conference about new treatments for Parkinson's disease. When he hears about the revolutionary drug "L-Dopa," Sayer imagines it might offer a viable treatment for the catatonic patients on his ward, whose symptoms result from their having childhood encephalitis. After applying to the hospital medical board for approval, Sayer is permitted to test the drug on one patient. In addition to…. This suggests that it is an intellectual understanding of her friend's beatings and not a true emotional empathy that she is after. Though the scene is most definitely tragic, if it is approached with the same intellectual curiosity that the two adolescents bring to it can only be seen as an episode of horribly dark humor.

The fact that endla can be so foolish as to desire an intellectual understanding of child abuse shows her complete lack of a true appreciation for the situation, and is thus a comic -- not necessarily humorous, but comical nonetheless -- situation. The end of a play is also one way to determine if a particular work is a comedy or a tragedy. The fact that Moritz and endla are both unnecessarily dead at the end of the play at first seems to suggest a tragedy, as does Melchior's expulsion. hen the characters end…. Work Cited Wedekind, Frank.

Spring Awakening, Edward Bond, trans. London: Methuen Drama, The wildly prolific Joyce Carol Oates also delves into the role of modern women in her fiction writing, although a quick review of her works spanning the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, suggests it is more difficult to draw as direct a connection between Oates' major works and biography than it is with Chopin. However, like Mrs. Mallard of "The Story of an Hour" briefly delights in a fantasy coming to life, only to find her hopes dashed when the promise of freedom is taken away, the heroine Connie of "here are you going, where have you been," finds her fantasy of being seductive and more beautiful than her conventional mother and sister to be far different than she realizes in reality.

In Oates, much more explicitly than in Chopin, the trap of femininity 'used' as a vehicle of liberation for the teenage Connie becomes a lie, as…. html Johnson, Greg. html Kate Chopin: Biography. Papyri Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian ook of the Dead The Egyptian ook of the Dead is a western title for an ancient collection of Egyptian manuscripts, the majority of which were funerary in nature. These collected writings have also been referred to as the Egyptian ible or identified by the names of the scribes who penned them. The Papyrus of Ani comprises the most significant contribution to these texts, though there are some other minor sources which are often included. In the original languages, these works were more accurately entitled the ooks of Coming Forth y Day.

One of the greatest challenges to English-language speakers when confronting all the great scriptures is the language gap. Unless one has the time and inclination to learn Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew, Greek -- or in this case, Egyptian Heiroglyphs -- it becomes necessary to read the scriptures in translation. The farther removed one's own…. Bibliography Budge, E. Wallis et al. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani. htm Ellis, Normandi Trans. Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead. Grand Rapids, MI: Phanes Press, Seawright, Caroline. htm Sophia Society for Philosophy. olves: The sexual awakening of Little Red "The Company of olves" by Angela Carter depicts the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood as a sexual awakening for the young woman, Little Red.

This can be seen in how the wolf is sexualized and depicted as a vibrant, attractive man in the eyes of Little Red "He strips off his shirt. His skin is the color and texture of vellum. A crisp strip of hair runs down his belly, his nipples are ripe and dark as poison fruit but he's so thin you could count the ribs under his skin if only he'd give you the time…His genitals, huge. The story retains the general structure of the fairy tale until the end, but the descriptions of Little Red and the wolf give the story an additional sexual relevance.

For example, in the above-cited quotation, the…. Work Cited Carter, Angela. New York: Penguin, Nora's Awakening 2 Lori D'Angelo Nora's Awakening A Doll's House by Henrick Ibsen is a play that provides insight into the life of a women during the 19th century. While the play takes place over a short period time, it is during this time that Nora Helmer realizes that she is unhappy, and she needs to break away from her husband. Nora feels as though she was never given the opportunity to live the life she wanted, and after seeing what her husband, Torvald, thinks of Krogstad, a man who has committed the same crimes Nora has in order to save Torvald, she can no longer keep her thoughts to herself and resolves to stop being objectified by all the men in her life.

In the play, the turning point comes in Act III when Nora compares herself to a doll and explains how she has always been treated…. We must be willing to fail, to falter, to suffer, in order to become greater versions of ourselves. Sometimes, being shown lesser versions of ourselves can be the key to this personal evolution. And perhaps most importantly, we must recognize that this personal evolution does not occur in a vacuum. To the contrary, we improve ourselves only if we improve the value we represent for the whole of humanity, in whatever modest capacity this may be possible. Here, we are driven by the idea that "a human being is a part of a whole, called by us the 'universe', a part limited in time and space. The openness which is a recurrent theme here denotes especially the imperative to remain open to one's fellow man.

Nothing that we do occurs independently of the needs and wishes of family, friends, communities, societies,…. Nursing Theory Application of Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory to Awakenings There are several grand theories of nursing, and among them is Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory SCDT. This theory has established a set of assumptions, including that people are distinct individuals, that they should be self-reliant, that a person's knowledge of potential health problem is necessary for promoting self-care behaviors, and that nursing is a form of action CurrentNursing. com, The focus here will be on the scene where the patients awakened.

Sayer was present, as was the nurse manager and a staff nurse. At this point, there is a transition in the type of care that needs to be provided to the patients from wholly compensatory to partially compensatory. References CurrentNursing. com Nursing theories: Dorothea Orem's Self-care deficit theory. Nursing Theories. html Geyer, N. Juta's manual of nursing. Lansdowne, SA: Juta. Parkes, W. Producer , Lasker, L. Home care nursing practice: Concepts and application. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory There are several grand theories of nursing, and among them is Orem's self-care deficit theory.

This theory is predicated a set of assumptions, including that people are distinct individuals, that they should be self-reliant, that a person's knowledge of potential health problems is necessary for promoting self-care behaviors, and that nursing is a form of action. The movie Awakenings can be used as an example of how this can be applied even to the most difficult of nurse-patient interactions. Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory Dorothea Orem was a staff nurse, and later moved onto educational positions within nursing. The underlying assumptions are that the patient is a distinct individual, and should be self-reliant. html Parkes, W. Rhodes, V. Cancer Nursing. Awakening In today's culture it is sometimes easy to forget the progress women have made in regards to determining their own future, personal freedom, and changing the definition of their societal roles.

Women can run for president, take charge of multi-billion dollar corporations, decide to pursue or not motherhood; modern culture embraces feminism and a woman's right to choose. The freedom women have today is inherited through a long series of struggles, women slowly breaking down barriers. Kate Chopin is an early advocate for altering the role of women in society. The Awakening is an honest portrayal of an 18th century women dissatisfied with her life, and more urgently trapped by the constraints of society. Chopin demonstrates to her contemporaries that women are not defined by the societal expectations, some women can and do want more than motherhood and wifehood.

This paper will argue that Chopin believed that women were…. Similarly, Mademoiselle Reisz fascinates and inspires Edna beyond words, yet Edna cannot possibly duplicate her life. Adele, kind and sympathetic as she is, in conversation with Edna, still cannot even begin to understand Edna's deep yearnings for freedom and independence; for she shares none of them. Even the longed-for Robert, upon returning from a protracted trip to Mexico, tells Edna that his own view of their future life together should they ever have one would be heartbreakingly similar to her present life with her husband. Within Kate Chopin's the Awakening, noises, conversations pleasant and unpleasant laughter, sobbing, and sounds associated with eating and drinking, fill the novel. Symbolically, many of these, such as Edna's breaking of the glass vase in frustration near the beginning of the story, underscore the essential action, as well as the feelings of the main character.

Other sounds, such as party chatter at various Creole gatherings…. As such, she fails to address the central problem of feminism in the Pontellier perspective, namely the impossibility of female individuality and independence in a patriarchal world. It is only in isolation that Edna can find any happiness, and she must make this isolation more and more complete in order to maintain her happiness, as the patriarchy has a means of encroaching on all populated areas, and Wollstonecraft's feminism does not offer an alternative to this need to escape humanity. A final snort of disgust might be distinctly heard from Edna Pontellier upon her reading of this line of Wollstonecraft's, afterwards she might likely have flung the text aside or into the fireplace, depending on the season : "Pleasure is the business of woman's life, according to the present modification of society" ch.

What Wollstonecraft means is that women are thought to be so fragile, so emotional, and…. References Chopin, Kate. University of Virginia E-Text Center. Accessed 28 May html Hammer, Colleen. To Be Equal or Not to Be Equal: The Struggle for Women's Rights as Argued by Mary Wollstonecraft and Christina Rossetti. UCC [working paper]. Heilmann, Ann. The Awakening and New Woman cition. Horner, Avril. Kate Chopin, choice and modernism. Here, we see that Edna realizes what is happening to her and why. She sees Robert as a catalyst for her awakening but not the answer to her yearnings for a more fulfilled life. It is also important to note how Edna refers to her life being a stupid dream. This remark illustrates the intensity of what she is going through - in essence; it pinpoints the reason behind her awakening.

Another character responsible Edna's awakening is the doctor. As we have mentioned, Edna is living in a day and age where women are supposed to be happy fulfilling the role of wife and mother. hen Edna seeks out the doctor for advice, his words are difficult to hear. hile he may empathize with her, he is also being pragmatic when he tells says, "Youth is given up to illusions" His words reinforce what she already knows and Edna…. The Awakening and Other Stories. New York: Bantam Books. Lover" and "The Awakening" Both Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Marguerite Duras' The Lover address what happens when a woman searches for a way to leave her present life behind and seek a new one that may, or may not, be any better.

In The Awakening, year-old Edna Pontellier struggles for selfhood but does not have the strength to accept the ramifications of this possibility. In The Lover, the year-old female narrator embraces self-awareness and uses her acquired strength to widen life's possibilities. The Awakening takes place at the end of the 19th century, when the Western world was beginning to undergo major changes due to the Industrial evolution and increased urbanization. Although women were beginning to envision a less-restrained future, they were still, for the most part, bound by tradition to be subservient to their husbands.

Middle- and upper-class women were expected to stay at home as idle, decorative…. Resources Cited Chopin, Kate. The Awakening Electronic Version. html Culley, Margaret, ed. Kate Chopin. New York: Norton, Duras, Marguerite. The Lover. New York: Harper, Deyo's commentary represents the type of attitude that forced women to conform to standards that while they are not demeaning, they are not for every female. Chopin knew that some women were not designed to be mothers and wives and she knew that there was absolutely nothing wrong with this assertion. Chopin and Edna were women out of time, living with others that could not accept the fact that a woman could be single and happy. Edna's death is seen as pathetic but what critics fail to understand about her death is that it proved to be the only acceptable way of life for Edna.

All other options had been exhausted and the duty of wife and mother was simply unacceptable because it created more anxiety than anyone on the Pontellier family could bear. Edna knew that her future was bleak and she knew that a depressed, disassociated mother was…. Works Cited Deyo, C. GALE Resource Database. Information Retrieved May 13, The Awakening and Other Short Stories. Parini, Jay, ed. American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. New York: Charles. Edna needed more than what family life could offer her but she was living in a time where women did not seek an independent life outside the home.

Edna was a woman out of her time and society made sure of that. Another aspect that leads to the breakup of Edna's marriage was the relationship she had with men other than her husband. Edna and Robert are not doubt in love but even Robert's love could not satisfy Edna. She knew this and Robert's love, romantic as it was, could never be enough. Edna needed Robert but not completely. However, Robert is significant because he brings Edna "out of a life-long stupid dream" She valued their relationship but knew that it would not last. She tells him that he is a foolish man because he: wastes his time dreaming of impossible things when you speak of Mr.

Pontellier setting…. The Awakening and Othr Stories. Her various lovers' beauty seems consistent with her love of beautiful material things and her admiration of herself as a beautiful object. For Emma, having an affair is another celebration of material goods -- her lover is an object that marks her as worthy, just like having the best clothing and furniture that money can buy or can be borrowed. Her love is not for Leon or Rodolphe anymore than her love of her clothing is for the piece of cloth -- she seeks out men for what they can do for her, so she can engage in an enactment of her fantasy of herself as a star of a romance.

Flaubert underlines this fact by having Emma fall in love during various representations of provincial life that represent consumerism or superficiality, such as a local agricultural fair or watching an opera. Edna, in contrast, seeks to find love below…. Analysis The Baby Boomer Revival assumed shapes and forms different than the former ones with programs Charismatic movement, the East Timor Indonesian Revivals, the 'Jesus People', the Asbury College Revival; and the Saskatoon Revival representing the spirits of the times in order to woo people to the mission movement and get them interested in the Church. At oen time, the church would have prohibited these charismatic programs and many, indeed, were controversial when they first appeared and still are today.

Nonetheless, their impression and effects have been enduring and in a time when traditional programs were falling flat with the church losing members per day, innovative programs were the only ones that succeeded. What I have learned Sometimes, dramatic changes -- a shift in perspective and a change of habits -- are necessary for end-goals and objective to be reached. The Pre-Reformation Revival, Summary Corruption of the church lowered…. Intellectual development is reflected in the creation, development and eventual preference for a specific type of government or representation in the society. Consequently, this period of intellectual development helped promote the freedom and social order, as more forms of representation and governance were developed and implemented in American society.

Republicanism's eventual dominance over other governments and political ideologies, however, reflects the society's need to preserve and champion their individual freedoms and at the same time, maintain social order despite people's political differences and beliefs. The Great Awakening emerged as an ideology, a religious movement that embodied social order and served as a precursor to the American Revolution declared in the late 18th century. This revivalist religious movement in American history paved the way for an "open and undisguised Unitarianism" among different Christian sects and churches in America.

While there was still diversity among churches and sects, the Great Awakening improved…. Bibliography Castiglione, D. Goodman, J. Republicanism: a theory of freedom and government. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Philp, M. NY: Routledge. She is not asking Adele for permission and Adele does not try to force her to do or not do anything. She does kindly ask her to think of her children but she does not attack her. Adele does not understand Edna when she tells her that she would give her money and her life for her children but not herself.

Her belief system is too different from Edna's but the woman can still connect on a female level. ithout this bond, Edna would have never been able to reach out to other people in hopes of forming a connection. Adele is necessary for us to see how Edna has evolved over the course of time. This is easily demonstrated in her relationship and her feelings toward Adele. Edna's development can be seen in stages throughout the story. One way in which her change manifests itself is how she begins…. Teaching, I believe, is a vocation that should be pursued by those who can help students to not just master required subject matter but develop skills for critical thinking, so that, they in turn, will be able to contribute to and further build on the accumulated body of knowledge in their chosen fields.

To successfully achieve the aforesaid objective requires personal commitment; mastery of the subject being taught; originality and creativity; and the ability to make students relate to the subject matter. Given my own views on 'teaching,' I was naturally pleased to find that the objectives of my course had been carefully structured and defined to meet precisely the above-mentioned requisites. This has been particularly meaningful for me as both a student today, and hopefully, as a teacher of high schools students tomorrow. The personal importance of successfully achieving the stated goals of the English program led to my…. Great Awakening: The eginning of Evangelicalism The evangelicals started a new movement in the s called new evangelicalism with a basis on human experiences that downplayed the role of doctrine and turned back on external church relations which in a way made it hard to differentiate evangelicalism from the mainstream Christendom.

This movement has experienced several transformations since the Reformation from pietistic evangelism, fundamentalist evangelism, and classic evangelism to the more modern form known as evangelistic fundamentalism. Within the movement, the emergent church is increasingly growing to influence the postmodern culture. y advocating for diversity and pluralism, postmodernism in no way lays claim to any absolute principles in the new cultural dispensation. And so the new church primarily focuses on the younger generation. y attempting to reverse the church to the practices of the middle ages, it can only be possible to take a critical look at the spokespeople because…. Bibliography 1 Pettegrew, Larry D.

In fact, rather than approve her action, the man who first awakens her new-found sexuality, Robert Lebrun, rejects Edna. As an idealized object of desire from far away, Edna was attractive to Robert. hen Edna makes himself available to him, in real, physical terms, Robert's superego dominates his id-driven desire for pleasure. Although he desires Edna as an object of fantasy, because of his intense sense of guilt, she also comes to embody all he fears, namely the complete liberation of his desires from all societal constraints. Edna thus becomes Robert's scapegoat, or shadow, rather than an object of fantasy. For a number of persons in the novel, Edna functions as a shadow. For example, Ad? le Ratignolle, a devoted wife and mother, willfully conforms to what society demands of a woman.

Edna's eventual outsider status is what all Adele fears-solitude, loss of family, and the pursuit of sexual conquest. Works Cited Bly, Robert. A Little Book on the Human Shadow. San Francisco: Harper Collins, Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and its Discontents. relationships of Edna Pontellier in Kate Chopin's book, the Awakening. The writer of this paper uses examples from the book to take the reader on a journey through Pontellier's relationships and how they impacted her life and actions. Awakening ith Help Often times when someone does something like commit suicide the world turns a cold and blind eye to what may have contributed to that person's downward spiral.

Authors of literature can take the time to explore this dark side of the person's life, which is exactly what Kate Chopin did in her classic tale The Awakening. Chopin shocked the literary world when she penned the story of Edna Pontellier and her desire to be free of a loveless marriage and boring children. It was written in a time when women were often trapped in such marriages and they had been born and raised to accept such a fate and…. In conclusion, these works all illustrate the changing role of women in 19th century society. At the beginning of the century, women's work was inside the home and raising a family. By the end of the century, Victorian women were attempting to add meaning and fulfillment to their lives. Women in this country were attempting to gain the right to vote, they were forming women's groups and societies, and women like Gilman, Chopin, Wollstonecraft Shelley, and others, were attempting to create their own writing careers, allowing them to be at least partially autonomous and independent.

They write of women's struggles for equality and understanding with great knowledge, skill, and perception. They also write of the realities of being a woman in the 19th century. For the most part, women's lives were unfulfilled and controlled by the men around them. eferences Chopin, Kate. The Awakening, and Other Stories. Knights, Pamela. Oxford: Oxford University, Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Women's Writings. Glynis Carr. Fall html Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, ed. George Parsons Lathrop Riverside Edition , 12 vols. Boston, Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft.

Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus. New York: Collier Books, She begins to let her own creativity flow and through her art takes a closer view of her own father, who has controlled her since she was a young child. With her pen in hand, Edna realizes that she need not be caged in and just copy what she sees. Instead, she can draw freehand with her own interpretations. She starts to recognize the power that she has as an artist and creator of her own life. Likewise, Edna begins to understand her sexual power. She is not only free to feel with her artwork, but also with her sensuality and sexual awareness.

Now she recognizes the power with both her art and body and is ready to attempt things that once were impossible. For example, she fully experiences her physical power when learning how to swim. At first, she feels "a certain ungovernable dread hung about her when in…. html Crane, Gregg. The Cambridge Introduction to the Nineteenth-Century American Novel Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Nolan, Elizabeth. Country of the Pointed Firs," by Sarah Orne Jewett, "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin and "My Antonia," by Willa Cather. Specifically, it will show the development of the complexity, or the straightforwardness, of the point-of-view.

Point-of-view is often as difficult to pinpoint as the characters of great novels. Sometimes, the point-of-view in a novel can shift and change, but the bottom line is -- point-of-view is a compelling way to keep the reader interested in the story, while telling more about the characters. Thus, point-of-view is a central part of the telling of a tale, and that is one of the most important techniques a writer can use to get their point across to the reader. Point-of-View in Three Works Point-of-view is one of the devices used to make or break a novel, and these three pieces all use point-of-view effectively and quite differently to set the stage, tell the…. Bibliography Cather, Willa. My Antonia. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, Jewett, Sarah Orne. The Country of the Pointed Firs.

New York: Dover, In a discussionof characters from "The Awakening" by Despite the fact that there are numerous differences existent in the novels The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Light in August by illiam Faulkner, and Their Eyes ere atching God by Zora Neale Hurston, there are some poignant similarities between these three works of literature. They were all written in the years directly preceding or occurring subsequent to the arrival of the 20th century, and they all deal with issues related to race albeit extremely indirectly in Chopin's book. Moreover, all of these pieces chronicle definite challenges presented to women due to notions of gender and society that were pressing during this historical epoch.

Some of the more salient issues affecting women during this time period, such as marriage and motherhood and the degree of autonomy or dearth thereof women had in living their lives is explored…. Project Gutenberg. htm Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Harper Collins. Faulkner, William. Light in August. New York: Vintage. Society looks at women's bodies to define their happiness or unhappiness, but Chopin suggests that women must look deeper into their psyche to find the cause of their personal difficulties. omen become scapegoats for what is wrong with society. omen are eternally 'misread' by those who claim to love them because they are only seen in terms of their physical or married life.

Mallard dies of horror when she sees that her husband is alive but his apparent resurrection from the dead is assumed to have stopped her heart with "the joy that kills" by the doctors who examine her body. They cannot conceive of the idea that a lack of freedom, rather than a lack of a man might make a woman miserable. Although Armand is himself of mixed race, as is revealed at the end of the story, it is Desiree who must suffer and is blamed…. html Chopin, Kate. htm Chopin, Kate. William Penn, a Quaker whose father had been an Admiral in the King's oyal Navy, was given a large piece of land as payment for a debt owed by the Crown to his father. Penn had suggested naming the new territory Sylvania, meaning wood, but the King added his surname, Penn, as a tribute to William's father Uden.

Penn considered his venture a "Holy Experiment" and sought to establish a society based on religious freedom and separation between religious and governmental authorities, Under Penn's governorship, Pennsylvania became a safe haven for all persecuted religious groups like the Quakers. He instituted a ballot system that intended to allow all members of Pennsylvania to have an equal say in their own governance. Some of the provisions of equality and religious tolerance in the charter that he drafted for Pennsylvania would eventually be incorporated into other charters, including the U.

Constitution Uden. References Bower, J. Holt: New York. Furlong, P. Sadlier: New York. Nevins, a. The fact that a novel in the sentimental and seduction genre attained such heights of popularity is, in the first instance, evidence its impact and effect on the psyche and minds of the female readers of the novel. As one critic cogently notes: hy a book which barely climbs above the lower limits of literacy, and which handles, without psychological acuteness or dramatic power, a handful of stereotyped characters in a situation already hopelessly banal by , should have had more than two hundred editions and have survived among certain readers for a hundred and fifty years is a question that cannot be ignored.

Fiedler 94 The initial question that obviously arises therefore is what made this book so popular and in what way does this novel speak to the feelings and aspirations of the readers to make it such a perennial favorite. As Fudge notes, It is…. Works Cited Barton, Paul. Fiedler, Leslie A. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York: Stein and Day, Fudge, Keith. Greeson, Jennifer Rae. Freud and Surrealism Art and science are strongly interrelated fields. It has been through the recognition of the compatibility between art and science that some of the greatest achievements in both areas have been created. It was Michaelangelo, the artist, that made revolutionary anatomical discoveries in the pursuit of art, discoveries which would become an integral part of the development of medicine.

The early mapmakers were the first to create mathematical grids, and those principles would be translated into perspective and proportion for artists recreating three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional art. Along this same vein, the scientific study of the mind, psychology, has had a significant impact on art. The father of modern psychology, Sigmund Freud, discovered the metaphysical "psyche" in his search to understand the symptoms of his patients, opening up science and medicine to the world beyond the physical. Artists latched onto his theories about the importance of the…. Bibliography Dali, Salvador. Rostrup, Truls. htm Sanchez, Monica. Nirvana Religious doctrine usually includes some form of salvation as a reward for good behavior and for keeping to the tenets of the religion.

Each religion treats this general idea in its own way. For the Christian, right behavior lead to salvation from permanent death and promises an afterlife in heaven. In uddhism, the promise is not of an afterlife but of a reward in this world, a reward in the form of perfect peace through a mind free of craving and unwanted emotion. Nirvana is a state of mind and an achievement in itself, for nirvana is that state of mind to which the adherent aspires. It is considered the highest form of happiness and is achieved only by the most dedicated follower of the uddha. The conception of salvation usually relates to the idea of some ultimate value or being, and it can be thought of as an…. Bibliography Ames, Van Meter. Corless, Roger J.

The Vision of Buddhism: The Space under the Tree. Paul, Minnesota: Paragon House, Gowans, Christopher W. Philosophy of the Buddha. New York: Routledge, Griffiths, Paul J. On Being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, Federalist Papers, the U. Constitution was ratified in the late 's by the original 13 states. But this new nation would experience a myriad of other changes by the turn of the century. With a new political system, westward expansionism and manifest destiny would guide the new American spirit. Of the most significant transformations on the American landscape of the late 18th and early 19th centuries were the parallel phenomena of the Industrial Revolution and the Second Great Awakening.

One an unbridled attempt to expand the material world, the other a fanatical endeavor to revive religious sentiment, these movements were uniquely positioned in time. They would also pull the American psyche in two opposing directions. The Second Great Awakening was a never-before seen Protestant revival movement that swept through the new nation. Preachers sought converts and converts sought church membership in record numbers. On the other side of the equation,…. Jude the Obscure," by Thomas Hardy, "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin, and "The Odd Women" by George Gissing.

Specifically, it will show the Victorian women's struggle for emancipation, even if it meant dying for it. Victorian women had to live under many societal constraints which kept them subservient and shackled to their relationships.

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