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Personal strengths and weaknesses essay

Personal strengths and weaknesses essay

Sorry, personal strengths and weaknesses essay, we could not paraphrase this essay. I will avoid a conversation as much as possible when I have to present the information to be discussed. Leadership Personal Strengths Weakness. Command is easy for me. Some people know how to handle their weaknesses in the right way and try to learn from them. I was not surprised by my findings. My Personal Strengths And Weaknesses.

Reflection of Clifton Strengths

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Myself — Personal Strengths. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Personal Strengths Essays. Essay examples. Those pursuing self-improvement may find it rewarding to write a personal strengths essay. Such an essay might present a detailed list of personal strengths that are important for an accomplished and healthy life, or it can focus on one particular strength and explore its origin, its impact on the person, Given how such personal strengths as resilience, self-confidence, determination, personal strengths and weaknesses essay, objectivity, self-control, compassion, loyalty, etc. can impact our lives, they merit all the time and effort needed to develop them. Writing about personal strengths requires one to precisely choose the topic and priorities, to perform research, to properly structure the essay — all these benefit from reviewing some essay samples.

Read more. A Narrative of My Strengths and Weaknesses words 2 Pages. No person on Earth is perfect. If this were true, then the world would be a very boring place. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Some people know how to handle their weaknesses in the right way and try to learn from them. Others keep Personal Strengths Self Identity Weakness. Leadership Personal Strengths Weakness. Confidence, Confidence interval, personal strengths and weaknesses essay, Decision making, Emotion, Leadership, Physical strength, Self-confidence. Personal strengths and weaknesses essay this essay I will be discussing personal strengths and weaknesses essay my personal strengths and weaknesses.

The purpose of highlighting strengths and weaknesses is to reflect on ways in which I can solve my weaknesses and ways to make my strengths even stronger. I have never been a Personal Strengths Struggle Weakness. Being able to identify and utilize your strengths is something that can help you advance in your daily life, and personal strengths and weaknesses essay allow you to reach your full potential. Once you are able to determine your own strengths, you become able to apply them for your Personal Beliefs Personal Strengths.

Own strengths, Physical strength, Strength finder book, Strength of communication. It seems to be human nature to contemplate on our weaknesses rather than our strengths. It appears natural to ponder upon our weaknesses and search for methods to bridge this deficit area. Human Nature Leader Personal Strengths. Introduction A personal evaluation of strengths is a tool that must be understood to effectively lead people. An effective leader must know how to reach goals by motivating the team. There are many strengths that translate to leadership styles used to motivate teams. Identifying and Leadership Personal Strengths. We have probably all experienced getting caught up in our own thoughts at some point while communicating.

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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Subject: Life Category: Myself , Life Experiences Topic: Personal Strengths , Struggle , Weakness Page 1 Words: Published: 14 May Downloads: 69 Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays Review of My Personal Improvement Project Essay. A Narrative of My Strengths and Weaknesses Essay. Analysis Of My Top-5 Personal Strengths Essay. The Importance Of Finding Personal Strengths For A Leader Essay. Analysis Of My Personal Strengths And Weaknesses In Relation To Leadership Essay.

The Importance of Determining Personal Strengths Essay. An Analysis of My Personal Strengths Using the Strength Based Leadership Assessment Essay. Tess of the D'urbervilles and Her Failure to Find the Real Meaning of Life Essay. Understanding the Real Meaning of Gender Equality Essay. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver My Personal Strengths And Weaknesses. My Personal Strengths And Weaknesses. My Personal Strengths And Weaknesses [Internet]. A personal evaluation of strengths is a tool that must be understood to effectively lead people.

An effective leader must know how to reach goals by motivating the team. There are many strengths that translate to leadership styles used to motivate teams. Identifying and using a formal Leadership style will aid in becoming an effective leader. Weaknesses need to be mitigated with actions to gain results. The purpose of this paper is to explain the exploration and evaluation of my personal leadership style, explore leadership strengths, identify weaknesses and in turn set timely goals for accountability as a leader. Reflection of Clifton Strengths According to the Clifton Strengths Assessment, success is dependent on five signature themes that can be used to identify strengths to improve overall personal performance.

Clifton Strengths assessment is something that I completed a few years ago as well as for this program. I compared my results and they were very different. I believe that my strengths have changed due to professional development, leadership experience as well as maturing my emotional intelligence. I was not surprised by my findings. My top five strengths in order are significance, command, responsibility, focus and input. I have always wanted to be significant. I am not sure if I was that way by nature or by child hood circumstance however, since a young age, I wanted to be recognized for my accomplishments. I thrived as a young mother, wife, business owner and then currently as a registered nurse leader. I used my independence to quickly move up the career ladder in Nursing, by becoming a young leader.

I really thrive on achievement and recognition. In my professional life, I enjoy being recognized for my success. Working is a pleasure for me and I spend a lot of time focused with my professional responsibilities. I am proud when people respect me and enjoy my network of like minded individuals. From a young age, it has felt natural to take charge. Command is easy for me. I was a latch key kid, that had a lot of personal responsibility by age 6. As an adult, I feel well versed in taking charge of situations. I use command to have a bit of control over the way something can affect me.

I am quick to form opinions and make decisions. When I encounter conflict, I quickly confront the situation for a quick resolution, so that I can move forward timely and not look back. Honesty and clear expectations are strong values for me. I like setting expectations with teams and clear goals with a plan to execute. Honesty is my best policy. I have been known to have been called bossy at times but I am usually the first to volunteer and have a real go for it attitude. I live by the code that I am only as good as my word. I take responsibility extremely serious. I am the first to jump in first, but when I make a promise to deliver or commit to a deadline, that is hard and fast for me.

I do not make excuses. I can not accept loose ends. When I have a goal, I must deliver. I have been known to take on too much responsibility from time to time. I am extremely focused in my life. I often create check lists, revisit them, and prioritize daily. I do this both in my personal and work life. I am always trying to be the most efficient that I can. I really am proud about my time management and ability to accomplish so many things daily. I do not do well, when there is no purpose. I have to always be working towards something. Sometimes I steer away from activities that are not directly heading towards my goals. Input is the fifth identified strength.

I consider myself well connected with a network of professionals and life experience. I enjoy traveling to many places, asking a lot of questions and volunteer to try things that I have never done. I use these experiences to make quick to make personal connections when interacting with people. It is a networking technique and ice breaker. I believe people can relate to me when I use this technique. Understanding and exploring all five Clifton Strengths significance, command, responsibility, focus and input, will help me in my action plan develop as a leader moving forward.

Personal Leadership Style The definition of leadership that resinates with me is, a dynamic process, they mobilize to accomplish extraordinary goals, they use five practices: model inspire a shared vision, challenge, enable others to act, and encourage the heart Aalateeg, It is important to note that everything is constantly changing. Goals, projects, company interests must change to stay relevant. Teams must be cohesive and adaptive to the greater goals of the organization. Transformation leadership style has been linked to increased job satisfaction and reduce attrition, it is a way to increase strength and relationships between the teams to higher standards.

A transformational leader must lead the group into personal, professional development that aligns with the organizational goals. A transitional leader must have the employees interests and their acceptance to motivate the team to work toward the organizational goals. Personal Strengths as they Relate to Transformational Leadership My personal strengths directly relate to Transformational Leadership. Three that will be discussed are relationship building, honesty and and self reflection. I find nodding your head helps in non-verbal communication, because a nod can say a lot.

In my communication skills, I have learned that if I highlight the strengths. Then the weaknesses would not be so obvious. In having communicated with all different types of people, I once was told that if you stop and think for five seconds before you speak, your communication skills would present themselves in a most intelligent manner. Communication comes somewhat easy for me, because I like to talk, but just talking and not communicating would become a weakness. I try to always have something to communicate to other people that would be beneficial. Whether communicating verbally or non-verbally your actions will for the most part, represent how you are feeling about a particular subject or discussion.

When it is possible always, try to communicate verbally and have the person you are communicating with acknowledge that they understand what you are saying. Communication, verbally or non-verbally is a very powerful tool and when you understand your strengths and weaknesses in that area you will be able to communicate much more efficiently with people. When you are communicating, with different types of people you will be able to decide if verbal or non-verbal communication would be the best approach according to their logic and the logic of the situation and surrounding environment. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on Personal Strengths and Weakness topics at our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with custom papers written by highly qualified academic writers.

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