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Honor definition essay

Honor definition essay

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Such word as honor is always associated with dignity, honesty, and generosity. Nevertheless, this word has a huge amount of notions. Different dictionaries give different definitions to this word. The great part of reliable sources in honor definition essay definition of this word, honor definition essay, because of the broad meaning of this notion, use such method as an extended definition. The most common definition of the word honor is a complex ethic and social notion, dealing with the evaluation of such personal qualities as faith, justice, honesty, nobility, dignity. Honor may be perceived as a relative concept, determined by the specific cultural and social traditions, material causes, and personal ambitions.

On the other hand, honor is treated as the inherent feeling of honor definition essay individual and the integral part of his personality. This is quite an abstract definition, honor definition essay, which needs to be illustrated by the examples of this word usage. The word honor is used to denote high regard or respect for the person. As an example of this definition, it is possible to mention the famous artists, sportsmen, politicians, who are appreciated for their merits. For example, a famous sportsman is considered to be a man of great honor for his fans.

This word is used to emphasize the high morality of a person, to pay attention to his or her sense of justice, honor definition essay. For example, when a person under honor definition essay circumstances does his best and shows his adherence to the right principles, it is said that he or she conducts himself honor definition essay honor. Sometimes this word is used to underline the high rank of a person, or his or her noble origin. For instance, in medieval times the honor of the feudal lord was not the valuation of his doings or behavior, but the recognition of his right to the lands he owned.

Rarely the word honor is used to underline a persons fair name. Thus, a person, who has never been noticed in deception or raw deals, is also called honorable. Each person understands the meaning of the notion of honor in his own way. Thus, this meaning is so abstract and complicated that what means honor for one, maybe a disgust for another. It may be illustrated by the whole row of examples from the history of humanity. Let us take for example such outstanding ancient warlords as Hannibal and Scipio. Hannibal was the great Punic warlord, who inflicted destruction on Roman legions several times, honor definition essay. However, in his final battle with Zama, he was defeated by Scipio.

Scipio was considered to be the honorable hero by the Romans because he defeated their main enemy. At honor definition essay same time, Carthaginians scorned him, because he gained the victory only due to treachery, and it was obvious that Scipio was far from being so genius a warlord as Hannibal was. In this example, it is possible to say that honor is rather an abstract notion. Among a great variety of meanings, which are honor definition essay with such a word as honorit is possible to distinguish several most common groups of notions. This word is used to emphasize respect to a person, it is used to undermine somebodys good reputation, or to accent the high moral qualities of the person. Nevertheless, honor definition essay, every individual understands this word in his own way, associating it with his personal outlook and his world vision.

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According to Wikipedia, honor was highly appreciated. People were ready to give their lives for the honor and they considered their life to be lost when they were losing it. In any case, the notion of honor includes the desire for moral perfection. This ideal man can create for himself, and may take it from the society. In the first case, in my opinion, it is a kind of internal honor, which includes such individual human qualities as courage, generosity , justice, honesty. These are the beliefs and principles that form the basis of the human self-respect. It is the thing that he brings up and appreciates in himself. The same is about the attitude of others towards him. Another understanding of the honor I have correlated with a more modern concept of reputation - this is how a man shows himself to others in communication and business.

In this case, it is important "not to drop the dignity" in the eyes of other people, because few people want to deal with rude and unreliable person, who can let you down in any serious situation. However, a person may have a bad personality traits, and just try to hide them from others. In any case, the loss of honor leads to negative consequences - a man can be disappointed with himself, or become an outlaws in society. The honor, which I define as the reputation, has always been considered as the main business factor for people - both men and women. The main thing I realized is that the word "honor" related to the word "honesty".

You should be honest with yourself and with other people. Honor, duty, conscience - these concepts can rarely be met. The honor is the respect and the feeling that you are needed and the possibility to find the solution for the different situations, but at the same time not to broke your own principles. We have this quality when we are born, but it depends only on us if we wish to develop it. This quality will help us to understand not our own importance, but also the importance of all other people, that live around and which we can see every day in our life. People, which have this quality, respect other people and they cannot afford themselves to be rude or impolite.

Also, the honor can give you the confidence in your power and to change your life in the better way. If we estimate ourselves higher, it means, that we will have more opportunities to do something new and useful. It seems, that everyone was in the situation, when he felt that he was miserable and no one respected him. People have such quality as honor from the childhood and it is impossible to lose it or forget somewhere. The honor is protected by the law and if someone humiliate your honor, he will be punished. But in the real time, it is not true, that people think, that no one respects them. They just did something bad and they understand it and because of it, they have these thoughts and it seems for them that all people know the truth and do not respect them.

As a rule, such people do a lot of good actions after that, because it is very hard for them to live with this feeling and people start to respect them again, but you should be very careful, because if you do it very often, you can lose your reputation and it will create you a lot of problems. If you wish to order honor code essay, you can do it right here and our professional writer will do it for you. The result will exceed all your expectations. It is not very easy to improve your honor and some people can say, that it can be even complicated, but if you wish and if you are ready for it, you will get the success.

It is better to start with the smallest things and to reach your goal. Of course, there can be a lot of negative qualities in every person, but if you change yourself, this world will be changed in the better way and all people will be happy. You should just follow the advices and you will see, that you will reach your goal. Make your first order and get the ability to save some money. If you have any questions or offers to improve our service, you are welcome to contact us following the form below. We are looking forward to your messages, as we are always in touch with our customers! com All rights reserved. Toggle navigation. Home Why Us Guarantees Testimonials Prices Blog LOG IN ORDER NOW. Essay On Honor: What Does It Mean For You?

What does it mean? What is it for people? Does every person have the honor? You should do something good every day. It does not matter what exactly, the main purpose is, that it should help someone. For example, you can help your old neighbor to bring the heavy bag to the flat or to give the homeless cat to the special organization, give the advice to your friend if you are more experienced in this question. The list of such actions can be very long. Start to cooperate with any charity organization. You should be really glad for other people if they reach their goals or are successful. Just learn to hear people and help them. Understand, that all people are equal and have the same rights.

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