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Essay about overpopulation

Essay about overpopulation

In the mean time emission from fossil fuel increased from 14 […]. The other factor that leads to overpopulation is the demographic factor of immigration. Your professor may flag you for plagiarism if you hand in this sample as essay about overpopulation own. Use code: CUSTOM Sustaining a population remains a great struggle, essay about overpopulation, and it is going to impact the development of society. Other causes are attributed to cultural and religious beliefs as well as lack of education Farraji et al. One of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today is overpopulation.

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Read essays samples written by our professional writers and essay about overpopulation free to use them as a source of inspiration and ideas essay about overpopulation your own academic work. Overpopulation is a situation whereby natural and artificial resources in a particular geographic area are overstretched because the number of humans living in the area is too large for them to cope. Studies on human population are relevant to educated people because the number of resources essay about overpopulation getting more limited, essay about overpopulation, and there is a need to determine the best strategies that can be used regulate the level of population growth.

There are various causes of overpopulation. As a result of improvements in technology levels, better healthcare practices have been adopted. These have led to a general decline in the death rate levels Bavel The relationship between technology and health sector is revealed through the adoption of more advance healthcare practices. Technology as a field of study interrelates the two areas through its incorporation in the manufacture of better quality foods, advanced medical equipment and more options to reduce the number of deaths in health facilities. You're lucky! Order Now. The other factor that leads to overpopulation is the demographic factor of immigration.

There are people that prefer moving and settling in first world countries such as United States and other regions of the world for purposes of employment and investments. The destination areas get overpopulated in the long-run. There are other social impacts that come as a result of population pressure in the destination countries. There emerges high employment rate which in return increases the levels of crime. As a result of overcrowding of these regions, the levels of poverty also increase due to overdependence on limited resources by large populations. Other causes of overpopulation include lack of family planning, technological advancement in fertility treatment, and more efficient ways to deal with effects of population pressure.

Overpopulation has its effects that are felt all over the world. One of the most severe effects of overpopulation is depletion of natural resources Stubbs 4. The earth is only capable of producing a specific amount of water, food, fuel and other resources to sustain life within it. Essay about overpopulation study on demographics and environmental sciences has indicated constant destruction of the environment due to human activities. Clearing of forests to set up additional settlements and to extract raw materials for paper and pulp industries has led to a reduction of the ground under the cover of vegetation. The effect of overpopulation is also seen through increased warfare and insecurity all over the world.

Immigration leads to the creation of conflicts in the destination areas, and the effects are felt all over the world. The constant rise in human population leads to competition for existence using the available resources. As a result, countries may often get involved in wars in order to gain control of sensitive resources such as fuels and mineral deposits. Imbalance between the number essay about overpopulation people and the employment opportunities leads to high unemployment levels. The result is poverty due to inability to meet the financial requirements by most families in the developing countries.

Overpopulation also leads to increased pollution which leads to the global impact of the greenhouse effect, essay about overpopulation. This comes due to emission essay about overpopulation carbon and nitrogen oxides from the increased industrial works. The challenge of overpopulation can be controlled scientifically through enactment of environmental protection practices. For instance, education can be carried out to create more awareness on the need to protect the natural environment, essay about overpopulation. In addition, the field of medicine can come up with ways to control birth rates. Family planning needs to be emphasized to inform society of the merits of birth control.

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Search in pages. Samples Persuasive Overpopulation of Humans and Its Global Impact. Overpopulation of Humans and Its Global Impact Overpopulation is a situation whereby natural and artificial resources in a particular geographic area are overstretched because the number of humans living in the area is too large for them to cope. Related Samples. Why Medical Marijuanas Should Be Legal Essay Pages: 3 page s. Why School Uniforms Are Good Pages: 3 page s. School Uniform Pages: 4 page s. Visual Perceptions Are Not Accompanied by Tiny Emissions From the Eyes Pages: 3 page s. Advocacy vs. Political Persuasion Pages: 3 page s. How To Persuade People Pages: 3 page s. Persuasive Speech on Fast Foods Pages: 4 page s.

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essay on the environment

Westing tells us that the in , the greenhouse gas emission was beyond the sustainability level of the atmosphere and at that time the worlds population was 3. In the mean time emission from fossil fuel increased from 14 […]. Overpopulation effects all other aspects of our health and the environment in which we live. There has been more human-caused environmental disgrace in the last few thousands years than ever before, and with the population increasing five times its size in the last years it is no wonder overpopulation has such a staggering impact […].

Overpopulation has become a much larger and larger problem as the years go on. There are many causes for overpopulation such as a decline in death, improved medical facilities and immigration. Some of these problems that come with overpopulation are increase of wars, increased global warming, the depletion of natural resources and much more. Some […]. Manila is the thriving capital of the Republic of the Philippines. As a society, we live our lives day by day worrying about small things that might not matter focusing on wanting more and more as the days go by. Yet we never stop for a moment to think about the planet. The place that lets us create life and breathe in all the beautiful things […].

Approximately years ago, the total population of the Earth was less than one billion. According to the UN, as of the human population has reached a staggering 7. UN, Between and , humanity saw a dramatic increase in its population from 1. As the global population continues […]. Overpopulation is becoming a global issue because over the years we have created more lives than resources. there will not be enough food for everyone. The population will keep on getting bigger by the time and we will […]. Overpopulation, a word plastered on every headline and sowed into our very vocabulary.

How does this one word hold so much power? The very meaning of the word is how the number of existing humans exceeds the capacity […]. The Earth currently holds 7. The maximum supporting capacity of the Earth is estimated to be billion. According to the United Nations Population Division, the human population will hit 9 billion by , and 10 billion by Wolchover, As one of the most powerful, knowledgeable, and resourceful countries in the […]. The world today has a total population of 7. As of there have been no issues regarding overpopulating the planet, but this subject worries many scientists and scholars. The rapid increase in population is the main concern, the projected population in is estimated to […].

Releasing prisoners is never a good thing, right? Due to the over abundance of US incarcerations for several reasons, over 18 state prisons are overpopulated. Thus causing several major issues within the prison, the communities around and the overall justice system in the United States. Reforms should be brought to the government to solve the […]. The human population in the world has been growing a an extremely fast rate, but with a growing rate of population, comes with it a potentially fatal problem: overpopulation. Overpopulation is when the environment, or in this case Earth, can no longer support a species due to it not having a sufficient amount of resources […]. First of all, we would like to thank our Allah Almighty who made us capable to put our efforts in the project. In performing our assignment, we had to take the help and guideline of some respected persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude and respect.

The completion of this assignment gives us much Pleasure. We […]. All they know is how to keep multiplying from one area to another. I came across this interesting topic from BBC and as I read more the more, I realized that Human Overpopulation is one of the biggest global issues we are facing at present. It is not only an environmental issue but also associated with the social and economic sustainability aspect. It is predicted that the planet will have a growth in population by the end of the century which is estimated to be 11 billion. So, the question arises with this much higher population growth will it be possible to live on the planet or some ramifications will be added to sustainability in the long-term?

Indeed, it was already extremely difficult to convince most of the countries in the world to join the Paris Climate Agreement, and its standards are entirely voluntary. Nevertheless, the United States pulled out of the agreement Domonoske, , which suggests that an even broader, stricter mandate designed to address multiple overpopulation issues would have a hard time winning political favor from powerful leaders. A worldwide policy could also receive pushback from citizens in developed countries who do not want to alter their current lifestyle, as well as citizens in developing countries who may be unhappy about having to comply with strict standards to deal with environmental problems that have been caused by wealthy countries.

Finally, it will be difficult to institute an enforcement mechanism that is effective, while also avoiding serious conflict between countries. Originally, I selected the issue of overpopulation because it seems like the most significant environmental issues in the world today. It impacts a broad range of other environmental issues, like climate change and pollution, so solving the problem of overpopulation would automatically bring the world closer to solving these problems as well. The main issue that I encountered in my research was coming up with a feasible solution for the issue of overpopulation. Based on the sources I found, limiting family size is fraught with problems, but implementing a truly effective sustainability policy to increase the carrying capacity of the planet poses major political challenges.

There are so many environmental issues related to overpopulation that proposing a single, comprehensive solution was difficult, and I am still uncertain about the practicality of my proposal. Over the course of this project, I learned more about the severity of the problem of overpopulation. In particular, I found the world population clock statistics to be very enlightening. Ultimately, gaining an understanding of the many effects of overpopulation and the lack of suitable solutions elevated my concern about how the world will deal with this crisis in the future.

Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. Increase in the population increases the demand for natural resources which is higher than the capability of the earth to produce. Overpopulation is the main cause of poverty in a nation. When people are many in a country, there is a rise in poverty levels. It causes high rates of unemployment in the world. Countries with so many people cause a high rate of unemployment since job opportunities are limited. Overpopulation leads to lower standards of living.

That is the people are so many, and hence people face low standards of living. When a country is faced with Overpopulation, it suffers from inadequate facilities such as housing facilities or medical facilities. There is an increased demand for available resources. That is, high population causes a high demand for the available resources in a country. Dirty and unhealthy surroundings. With a high population, many activities are happening in the world, and human waste tends to accumulate at a high rate. There is unequal education. Overpopulation can cause the country not to be able to provide the best services when it comes to education because of the huge population. It leads to deforestation. People tend to cut forests so that they can create space for people to settle in.

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